Are These Pills Safe for Diabetics? Find Out What to Watch Out For

Diabetes Risks from Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs: Mechanisms and Approaches to Risk Reduction

For people living with diabetes, it really becomes a challenge when they also have co-existing health concerns. This is because diabetics have to make sure that the pills they take will not be detrimental to the management of their condition.

Take breast enhancers, for example. There are already pills out on the market that can do the job of increasing your breasts to the size you prefer, but for women with diabetes, these might not be as readily accessible. Taking them alongside one’s current medication may prove to be a risky drug combination.

Drug Interaction

Here is the major concern. Drugs that treat diabetes are some of the most reactive medications out there. This means that they bear a higher risk of causing adverse drug reactions. While some reactions are mild enough to be managed at home, some have caused hospitalization and in some unfortunate cases, death.

How exactly do these drugs interact?

When you take in a certain pill, it will then be absorbed into the bloodstream and will proceed to do what it needs to do. Interaction happens when the effect of another pill interferes with the effects of other pills taken. This is the main reason why you have to understand the effects of each of the different pills that you take. Even the most mundane of pills, such as herbal breast enhancers or those for a common cold might still pose health concerns.

Possible Effects

As mentioned earlier, some effects really do not have a bad outcome.  However, there are several serious effects that might exacerbate certain conditions especially for those living with diabetes.  Some of these include the following:

Higher blood pressure levels

Drugs staying in the bloodstream longer than necessary

Drugs blocking metabolism which might cause fatal heart rhythms

Inhibiting the effects of drugs that are used to treat or manage the major health concern

Drugs affecting kidneys

Drugs increasing the risk of bleeding or fluid retention

Drugs causing rhabdomyolysis or incidence of muscle breakdown

Breast Enhancers

Without a doubt, there certainly are quite a number of medically approved breast enhancers available on the market.  However, this does not mean to say that anyone can safely take them, especially those with health concerns like diabetes.

In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons has issued an advisory regarding this very issue.  Some pills might be dangerous when mixed with other medications, so it would be ill-advised to take any sort of medication without proper consultation and research.

To start, it is essential that one first know the most common ingredients found in breast enhancers.  Some of the most popular components found in herbal supplements that claim breast enhancing properties are the following:

Blessed thistle

Dong quai

Fennel seed




Mexican wild yam

Pueraria mirifica


What You Can Do

For people who self-manage their health concerns such as diabetes, research is not enough. Here are some things that you can do to protect you from dangerous effects of drug combinations.

1.The number one thing is to consult one’s physician. Make sure you have the list of all of the drugs you take.  In fact, it would be better if you bring the drugs themselves.  If you want to take breast enhancers even those in the form of supplements, you still have to declare them and disclose what pills you intend to take.

2.To know more about possible drug interactions, you can also check the FDA website. It has detailed information regarding drug interactions that will be helpful to you.  Several medical-related websites offer the same information but be careful about relying solely on online sources for drug information.  The safest thing is to show the pills to your physician or your trusted pharmacist before taking them.

Have a safety-first mindset.  Before taking in pills like breast enhancers with your existing medication, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into.  See your physician.  Do your research.  This might spell the difference between life and death.

Author:Melissa Lobo

Melissa is a young and energetic writer, a mom to a sweet little boy, and a fur-mom to two perfect pooches. Before becoming the Associate Content Director for Project Female, she was a journalist specializing in topics related to women in politics and policy affecting women.

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