http://Help My Child Has Type 1 Diabetes: Advice, Information, and Real Stories for Parents and Carers
Type 1 diabetes is the most common form of the condition among children and adolescents. A 2009 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that type 1 diabetes prevalence stands at 1.93 in every 1,000 children and adolescents, while type 2 diabetes affects 0.24 in every 1,000.
Since the 1980s, the number of children being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes has gradually crept up at a rate of about 3 to 5 percent per year. That may not sound like much, but it’s startling when you consider that twice as many children are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes today than were diagnosed 20 to 25 years ago. Although the condition can develop at any age, we’re seeing it at younger ages than ever before and more toddlers and preschoolers are being diagnosed.
Experts believe that environmental factors like children’s reduced exposure to germs may be partly to blame (a theory known as the hygiene hypothesis). Reduced exposure to early-childhood infections may also alter certain children’s immune response, leading to the autoimmune attack on the body’s insulin-producing beta cells.
Why some kids get type 1 diabetes is also a mystery. White children and those with a family history of type 1 diabetes are most at risk, but only about 10 percent of those with type 1 diabetes have a family history of the disease.The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown.
Scientists do know that in most people with type 1 diabetes the body’s own immune system — which normally fights harmful bacteria and viruses — mistakenly destroys the insulin-producing (islet) cells in the pancreas. Genetics may play a role in this process, and exposure to certain viruses may trigger the disease. Sometimes, a child develops Type 1 diabetes after being exposed to a virus like the ones that cause mono (Epstein-Barr) or hand-foot-mouth disease (which includes viruses such as Coxsackie).
Misconceptions about Type 1 diabetes
DIABETES – The Simple Basic Facts You Need to Know: A Simple Basic Book on DIABETES
Let’s set the record straight about some hurtful untrue comments that many people(adults and children) with type 1 diabetes often hear:
“You must have OD’d on sugar to get type 1 diabetes.”
Not so.
“Type 1 is like being hit by lightning. It happens sometimes, and it’s not anybody’s fault,” says Steven Griffen, MD, a vice president for JDRF (formerly called the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). “Unfortunately, we don’t know exactly what causes type 1 diabetes, and researchers are still trying to get a clear picture about genetic and environmental factors that may play roles, including exposure to viruses or bacteria that live in your gut.”
One thing we do know, though, is that it’s not brought on by too much sugar.
Diabetes in children: What Are The Signs?
Type 1 diabetes in children, previously called juvenile diabetes, occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce enough of the hormone insulin. Children with the condition will require lifelong insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring, and a change in diet may be needed.
Type 2 diabetes, although less common in very young children, can occur when not enough insulin is produced or it is not working properly. As a result, glucose can accumulate in the bloodstream. The condition can often be managed through a change in diet, increasing exercise and maintaining a healthy weight, although some patients may require diabetes medication – such as metformin – or insulin therapy.
The most common symptoms of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes among children and adolescents include increased thirst and urination, fatigue and weight loss. Some children may also experience increased hunger and blurred vision, while girls with type 1 diabetes may develop a yeast infection.
For more great Health and Nutrition Tips refer to the website
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children tend to develop rapidly over a period of a few weeks, while type 2 diabetes symptoms develop more slowly.
Parents should take their child to the doctor if they notice any of the above symptoms. But despite an increase in diabetes prevalence among children and adolescents, it seems there is a lack of awareness when it comes to identifying symptoms of the condition.
Although blood tests are the most reliable way to diagnose diabetes, your child’s doctor may first order a glucose urine test because it’s easier to have a child pee into a cup than to draw his/ her blood. If there’s sugar in his/ her urine, a random blood-glucose test (one that doesn’t require fasting) can confirm the diagnosis, usually while you’re still at the doctor’s office. A blood-glucose reading of 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or higher indicates your child has diabetes and will need to be given insulin multiple times every day to help her body process glucose. Fortunately, there have been great advancements in managing this lifelong affliction.
After the Diagnosis
If your child has diabetes, it’s critical that his/her blood-sugar levels stay in a safe range. This will be determined by a doctor, but it will be slightly higher than the normal blood-sugar level range of 70mg/dL to 120mg/dL. Levels that drop too low or spike too high can lead to seizures, coma, and even death.
Whenever your child eats or is physically active, you’ll need to take a droplet of blood pricked from her finger and check her sugar level using a handheld blood-glucose meter. To cut down on finger sticks, some families have switched to continuous glucose monitoring systems, devices that constantly check a child’s sugar levels through a sensor inserted into her skin for up to six days at a time. But these readings aren’t as accurate as metered ones, so kids must still endure a few finger pokes each day.
Blood-glucose monitors determine how much insulin your child’s body needs, but they don’t actually dispense insulin. For that, most newly diagnosed children with diabetes need their parents to inject insulin into their stomach, upper arm, outer thigh, or buttocks.
Eventually, many people with diabetes switch to an insulin pump, a pager-size device that straps to the waistband or adheres directly to skin and delivers a steady supply of insulin via a small tube inserted into the skin.
A pump gives kids more freedom, but shots are cheaper, simpler to use, and more likely to be covered by insurance. Children of all ages can use insulin pumps.
Parents must be vigilant about their child’s diet, though it’s a myth that kids with diabetes can’t enjoy cookies or cake. No foods are forbidden. No child should have lots of sweet drinks and treats, and this also goes for children with diabetes.
Carbohydrates are a particular concern because starches (like those found in bread and pasta) and natural sugars (including those in fruits and juices) raise blood-sugar levels faster than sugar does. Parents need to count carbs and adjust their child’s insulin to ensure that their blood-glucose levels don’t spike too high.
Diabetes in Children: Counting Carbs
Carbohydrate counting is a skill that can help you and your child plan his or her meals to manage diabetes and control blood sugar. Carbohydrate counting also can allow your child to eat a variety of foods, just like other kids, and to increase his or her sense of control and confidence in managing diabetes.
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Caring for a Child with Diabetes
Testing blood glucose (sugar) and giving insulin may seem overwhelming in the beginning. As you work with your diabetes team you will learn about diabetes and become more confident. It is important that you become comfortable with caring for your child’s diabetes so that you can help your child become comfortable too.
As the caregiver of a child with type 1 diabetes, you will help them with:
Monitoring blood glucose
Administering insulin
Having regular meals and snacks
Balancing food, medication and physical activity
Recognizing the signs of low and high blood glucose
Talking To Your Child About Diabetes
The way you talk to your child about diabetes will have a big impact on how they perceive their diabetes and themself. Being positive and supportive will help boost your child’s self-esteem.
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Children with Diabetes in School
http://MANAGING CHILDRENS DIABETES: Discover 5 Vital Things You Need To Do To Ensure Your Diabetic Child’s Health At School (Fighting Diabetes And Winning Series Book 2)
Students living with diabetes have the right to be full and equal participants in school and all school-related activities without the fear of being excluded, stigmatized, or discriminated against.
School boards should develop and communicate a comprehensive diabetes management policy that includes the roles and responsibilities of the students living with diabetes, their parents/caregivers and school personnel.
Click Here For Information
Children With Type 2 Diabetes
http://Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents: A Guide to Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Treatment: A Clinician’s Guide to … Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Treatment
Years ago, it was rare to hear about a child with type 2 diabetes. Doctors used to think kids only got type 1. It was even called juvenile diabetes for a long time.
Not anymore. Now more and more people younger than 20 have this disease.
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When Your Diabetic Child Is Sick
Kids with diabetes get sick once in a while, just like other kids. However, because the effects of illness on the body can raise or lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, a few extra precautions are needed to keep blood sugar levels under control.
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Diabetes In Children:Dealing With Feelings
http://Diabetes Through the Looking Glass: Seeing diabetes from your child’s perspective: A Book for Parents of Children with Diabetes
When their child is first diagnosed with diabetes, parents might spend a lot of time thinking about the disease’s physical effects. But emotional issues also come with a diabetes diagnosis, and these can affect how kids cope with the physical aspects.
So it’s important for parents to recognize the feelings that kids with diabetes might experience and learn strategies to help them.
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Children With Diabetes Need To Have Fun
Having diabetes shouldn’t prevent a child from having fun during special occasions. A little planning and a question or two allows kids with diabetes to participate in just about everything.
On special occasions, such as sporting events, pizza days at school or birthday parties, contact the organizer to find out what food will be served and when, and what physical activities are planned. How the food ‘fits in’ depends on when it’s being served. Meals or snacks can be split as needed to allow your child to eat with the other children. Your diabetes educator can give you some good ideas about how to handle this.
For holidays and celebrations, it’s important to keep as many traditions as possible, but you may need to modify those that involve food. Consider creating new traditions that put the focus on fun and activity, not food.
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How Can I Help A Diabetic Child?
It can be difficult, especially at first, but it’s important to resist the urge to lower your expectations or overprotect a child with diabetes. Instead, encourage the same independence that you’d expect from your other kids. With the encouragement and support of their parents, kids with diabetes can take on some responsibilities for managing it — a change that often has a positive, confidence-building effect.
Help kids Find Their Strengths
Is your child a reader, a football player, a son, a daughter, a grandchild, a student, a future doctor, an art lover? He or she also is a person in control of diabetes, but this does not define someone’s life — it’s only a very small part of who your child is.
Focus on Friendships
Encourage your child to have fun with friends, which builds confidence and a sense of belonging. Your child should know that it’s OK to discuss diabetes with friends. Instead of focusing on the one thing that’s different, kids can focus on all the things that they have in common with their peers.
Find ways to cope with Bullying
Sometimes kids pick on peers with diabetes or other health problems. Your child might use the following ways to deal with teasing or bullying:
Act brave, walk away, and ignore the bully. Tell your child to look the bully in the eye and say something like, “I want you to stop right now.” Counsel your child to then walk away and ignore any further taunts. Encourage your child to “walk tall,” head held high (this type of body language sends a message that your child isn’t vulnerable).
Use humor or give the bully a compliment to throw the bully off guard. However, tell your child not to use humor to make fun of the bully.
Use the buddy system. Enlisting the help of friends or a group may help both your child and others stand up to bullies.
Tell an adult. If your child is being bullied, emphasize that it’s very important to tell an adult. Teachers, principals, parents, and lunchroom personnel at school can all help to stop it.
Correct Misconceptions
Talk to your child about the fact that people do nothing to deserve diabetes — it just happens. Also, if your child feels like the diabetes is causing problems for you or your family, offer reassurance that there’s no reason to feel guilty. Instead, your child should focus on dealing with his or her own feelings about diabetes, not yours.
Tell friends, Teachers, and Others about your Child’s Diabetes
Ask if your child would like others to know about the diabetes. Kids sometimes find it less embarrassing if they tell friends and classmates that they have diabetes — that way, they don’t have to worry about what their friends will think when they head to the nurse’s office every day. Teachers and care providers also should know about your child’s condition and its management (for instance, if your child takes breaks to test blood sugar or eats snacks at certain times).
Connect with Others Dealing with Diabetes
Finding a support group for kids and families with diabetes can help kids to feel less different. These groups also can boost your confidence as you deal with diabetes and offer advice and tips on managing it. Your child’s diabetes health care team might be able to help you connect with support groups in your area.
Get Help When You Need It
Be sure to keep your child’s diabetes health care team in the loop about any emotional issues — they deal with this all the time and can provide help for your child and advice for you. If your child shows any signs of depression (such as prolonged sadness or irritability, fatigue, appetite changes, or changes in sleeping habits), talk to your child’s doctor or a mental health professional.
Every parent of a child with diabetes must deal with the feelings that surround the disease. Try to keep in mind that for most kids, negative feelings about diabetes pass or change with time as they adjust to living with it.
If you have any information,questions, or feedback you would like to include in this webpage.
Please email or leave your comments below.
Hi Momo,
It was great to meet from diabetessupportsite. Information provided about diabetes and its early detection and stages in diabetes is simply good information provided.
I agree with you, that most of the children with diabetes due to obesity(heavy weight) and their food habits…
your information is really helpful for the parents who really care about their kids…
Excellent job…
Hi Ananda,
Thanks for viewing this website and its great that you found the information helpful.
The majority of children who have diabetes are type 1 diabetics. Adults and children with type 1 diabetes didnt do anything wrong. Doctors believe the cause of the disease is a combination of genetics and some external environmental trigger (but not junk food or lack of exercise).
Parents want the best for their children.They want them to live a happy ,healthy life.
The purpose of this webpage is to provide a helpful resource for parents and children with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Hi Momo19,
This is indeed very informative article and suitable as awareness campaign for preventing the children’s diabetes issue. From this article, we know what is the diabetes, diabetes in children, cause and ways to prevent it or to treat it.
If some say “no sweet for you”, by this article, we know we need the low blood sugar in our body, therefore, we can eat or drink as long as we take the right amount of insulin to balance out the carbohydrates.
This article give us enough information, thus we can prevent this diabetes from happened to our children or our self as well.
Hi Hasmiza,
Yes it would be great if this article could prevent some adults and children getting type 2 diabetes by making people aware that by making healthy lifestyle choices you can prevent type 2 diabetes in many people.
Low blood sugar(hypoglycemia) is most common in people who use insulin or take certain tablets to reduce high blood sugar. Things like unplanned physical activity, eating meals later than usual, or drinking too much alcohol can mean that you need less insulin than you thought, causing your blood sugar to drop very low.
A mild case of hypoglycemia can be treated through eating or drinking 15-20g of fast acting carbohydrate such as glucose tablets, sweets, sugary fizzy drinks or fruit juice.
Thanks for the very detailed article on the kids with diabetes. Thankfully neither myself nor my brother had any problems with it growing up, but I understand that the disease is becoming ever more prevalent in all age groups. I admit that I used to believe some of the myths mentioned here, but I have since become a little more educated on the subject. I actually know someone who might be interested in this, and I’ll be sure to send them over. Thanks again.
Hi Paul,
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post.There are a lot of misconceptions about diabetes especially type 1 diabetes.However through education people can learn the true facts.
The more knowledge people have about this disease the more support and understanding they can provide to adults and children who have this chronic illness.
Hi Momo,
Wow, what an incredibly powerful yet insightful article that you composed dedicated to Type 1 diabetes in children.
Admittedly not really knowing all that much about the disease I was surprised to read the comment that you posted that stated some medical experts believe that environmental factors such as a child’s lack of exposure at an early age to germs might be one of the factors that cause Type 1 diabetes.
I also liked the fact that you spent a great deal of time providing educational information to your readers about the various treatment plans that parents can undertake themselves when one of their children has been diagnosed with this disease. Preventive maintenance at an early age, and also teaching the child him/herself the type of diet that would be necessary for him/her to have a normal life span would be something necessary from that early age.
You also took the time to explain that at this time, as we enter the busy holiday season that wisely choosing what to and NOT to eat can prevent health setbacks that would ruin the normally festive time for the child and his/her family.
All in all you wrote an extremely informative article about this disease. People whose children unfortunately might recently have been diagnosed would find it well worth their time to come and read all of what you try to teach educationally to your readers!
Super job!
Hi Jeff,
I really appreciate all your positive comments. Unfortunately medical experts do not yet know the cause for type 1 diabetes.There has been a number of speculations but the cause for type 1 diabetes is still unknown. If we knew the cause it would be easier to provide a solution.
I really hope this article helps parents and children with diabetes.Through education we can make it easier for children to live with this chronic illness so they can have a happy healthy childhood!
Thanks for this valuable information. Are you saying that more people are getting diabetes from not being exposed to enough germs? It seems reasonable. It seems we try more than ever to keep things sanitary and germ free but kids are getting sicker and sicker at alarming rate.
And thank you for all the information about the misconceptions. I have a good friend with type one diabetes and he’s very active in sports.
Thanks for such an informative post!
Hi John,
Glad you found the post helpful.There are a number of speculations from medical experts about what causes type 1 diabetes including the hygene hypothesis but unfortunately the cause for type 1 diabetes is still unknown.If we knew for certain what caused it we could implement preventative measures and it would be easier to find a cure.
There are a lot of misconceptions about type 1 diabetes and some people make hurtful untrue comments about this disease.I wanted to set the record straight and educate people on the true facts about type 1 diabetes.A lot people think type 1 and type 2 diabetes are the same but they are not,the causes and much of the treatment is different.
I myself do not believe I am in need of this information, however my grandfather is a borderline diabetic. Do you have any tips or advice here? Maybe I could pass these along and give you a review of your information? As we have tried many things for diet and what not from Atkin’s to Weight Watchers, but nothing seems to do the trick. Please help!
I Would really appreciate it more than you would ever know.
Zach C.
Market Merchant (MM+)
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Hi Zach,
Thanks for reading this post.I am sorry to hear that your grandfather is struggling with prediabetes.I have a few suggestions i hope will help.Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is essential throughout all stages of life. Elderly people like your grandfather do not always respond well to huge changes in their lives, especially in diets. Introduce new dishes slowly. Try to find healthy alternatives to cooking their favorite foods. Consider baking a chicken instead of frying it, lacing vegetables with healthy olive oil instead of butter, or baking with artificial sweeteners whose sugar substitute cannot be digested by the body and, therefore, dont add to daily sugar intake.
Older adults generally need 20-to-30% fewer calories than they did when they were younger and more active.If your grandfather lives alone, consider preparing and freezing a weeks supply of balanced, portion-controlled meals that can be reheated as needed.Sneak healthy whole grains and nutrients into meals. Foods, such as flaxseed and fish oil, high in omega-3 fatty acids,healthy vegetables,herbs and spices that contain essential vitamins and minerals can be added to soups and casseroles without alerting your grandfather that he is about to try something he has never had before.
If he does his own grocery shopping, make a shopping list that includes the basics he will need for several days worth of meals. If he is on a restricted diet, this list can also remind him to choose low-fat or low-salt versions of his favorite foods.
Carbohydrates have the biggest impact on your grandfathers blood sugar. All diabetics and prediabetics should eat at least 130 grams of carbohydrates a day . Choose whole grains and nutrient-rich starchy vegetables for your grandfathers carbohydrate intake.
Basic whole-grain options include oatmeal, popcorn, brown rice and whole-grain pasta. If eating bread, cereal or crackers, look at ingredient lists and choose one that has a whole grain such as whole-wheat flour, oats or barley as its first ingredient.
Top options for starchy vegetables include parsnips, pumpkin, green peas, squash, corn, beans and lentils. He should also eat three to five servings of nonstarchy vegetables per day; options include broccoli,carrots, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery and dark leafy greens like cabbage,kale or spinach.
Exercise is good for you and its especially important for older adults like your grandfather with prediabetes.Exercise improves insulin sensitivity and will improve your grandfathers blood glucose levels.
Walking for health is reported as the most popular exercise choice, especially for older adults like your grandfather.Public health recommendations state that everyone should do 30 minutes or more of moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, most if not all days of the week.If you could spare 30 minutes of your day to go walking with your grandfather i am sure he would enjoy the company.You could motivate him and it would give him something to look forward too.The physical and mental benefits for him would be huge.
If your grandfather has limited mobility it doesnt mean he cant exercise.i have numerous suggestions in my post diabetes and elderly people that you can view on this website.I also recommend that yourself and your grandfather read the post prediabetes facts and view the videos in this website for helpful tips.
So hope this information helps your grandfather and he has a happy healthy life!
Wow I knew diabetes was a problem but I didn’t know that so many children were and are dealing with it today. What is there that people can do to help those that are diagnosed with type 1 or even type 2 diabetes. I remember growing up always thinking that diabetes was from having too much weight.. but you just proved that its indeed not the weight factor at all. I actually never learned of this disease.. i never read the definition or anything.. wow this was an eye opener.
Hi Billy,
I really appreciate that you took the time to read this article.Its great that you now have a better understanding of diabetes and what it entails.
Thanks so much for asking what can be done to help people with diabetes.
If people would become more educated in diabetes,less judgemental,offer more support and understanding ,this would make life easier for those of us living with this chronic illness.
Also a donation to a diabetic association to help find a cure for diabetes!
Hello Momo
I have learned a lot today about diabetes in children from your website. I found your site when I was searching for info about a diabetic pregnant mother who is a friend of mine. I wondered whether injecting herself with insulin in pregnancy would cause her baby to be diabetic.
This post is comprehensive and has helped me a lot to understand about diabetes in children. There are a lot of things to remember that seem overwhelming when dealing with diabetes in children but your info helps a lot to caregivers. Thank you. ~ PenCherry
Hi PenCherry,
It’s great that you found the information in this post helpful.
A lot of diabetic mothers both type 1 and type 2 have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies with no complications.
It takes a lot of dedication,the diabetic mother must constantly monitor her blood sugar levels throughout the pregnancy and maintain a high standard of blood glucose control.
It’s also very important that she attends regular endocrinologist appointments throughout her pregnancy so her specialist can monitor her health and her babys health.
You might also like to view the post on gestational diabetes in this website it contains a lot of valuable information that could help your diabetic friend.
Very interesting article. As a teacher I am fully aware of diabetes among adolescents. I have to make sure students go to the nurse before lunch and in some instances before gym class. It can be very tough on a child. The students tell the nurse what he/she ate for lunch and she counts the carbs/calories just like in the article. Very informative.
Hi Rob,
Children with diabetes need support and understanding from teachers and medical staff at school.
Having a teacher like you who is educated in diabetes can make life at school a lot easier for a diabetic child.
Diabetic awareness is very important please share your knowledge!
Personally, I learned a lot a few years ago when my friend was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at 21 years old. The doctors were kind of shocked, I think, because he had never had any symptoms before suddenly starting to vomit uncontrollably and told us he felt like he was dying. We rushed him to the hospital and the doctors said his blood sugar was over 800! Thankfully he has learned how to live a full, happy life with diabetes and is doing well. But, life was a roller coaster for him for quite a while after the diagnosis.
I found your Frequently Asked Questions to be interesting because these were questions he heard often and even asked himself of the doctors that were treating him.
This article has a lot of great information and resources for caregivers of children with diabetes. I am amazed by the wealth of information you have provided. Great job!
Hi Jess,
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment in another one of my posts.
I like your friend found it very difficult when I was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
It can feel life changing at first especially when you know very little about the illness.
However when you learn more about the condition it becomes less frightening and it becomes easier to manage the illness.
There is a great deal of information here on childhood diabetes and many resources to look at. This is such a huge and still growing situation for many kids today. It makes you wonder what we are doing wrong in our society that is bringing on such an abnormal event and I say abnormal because we are treating this like it is becoming the new normal rather than remembering that diabetes wasn’t the norm just a few decades ago. Something has changed and not for the good. Keep digging and looking for answers!
Thanks and God bless!
Hi Jason,
Yes unfortunately diabetes has become a major global problem for both adults and children.
Only through education, awareness and research can we combat this chronic illness.
Thank you for the great information. Raising a child is hard under the best of circumstances, but raising a child with a chronic condition like diabetes is a real challenge. Thank you for the helpful information and for clearing up the misconceptions surrounding childhood diabetes,
All the best with the good work that you do.
Hi Diana,
Thanks for taking the time to read this rather long post!
Yes raising a child with diabetes is challenging enough never mind having to deal with all the misconceptions.
Through education,diabetes awareness and understanding society can make bringing up a child with diabetes easier on the parents and the child!
Great post on children with diabetes. I honestly have not been affected by diabetes, but quite a few of my friends have found out they have it in their early 20s.
I was wondering if you knew the cause for them just finding out now? Is it something that just shows up after time or is it something they were born with and have just been lucky enough to avoid any problems till now?
Thanks for the information in advance
Hi Brok,
Thanks for leaving a comment in this post.
Several factors causes people in their 20s to be diagnosed with diabetes.
The two most common types of diabetes are type 1 and type 2.
Type 1 diabetes is the kind of diabetes most commonly found in young people.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease caused by the bodys immune system (the disease fighting part of your body) attacking the cells of the pancreas that make insulin.
There are some genes (information in your cells that usually come from parents) that make a person more likely to develop type 1 diabetes.
Even if you have a gene that makes you more likely to get diabetes, there probably still has to be another event that upsets and activates the immune system. The immune system then attacks and destroys the beta cells (insulin producing cells) of the pancreas. This stops your body from being able to make insulin on its own, and you get type 1 diabetes.
Once you develop type 1 diabetes it never goes away. There is no cure for diabetes at this time.
To stay healthy, you must take insulin shots or use an insulin pump every day to help your body use the sugars in your food. People with type 1 diabetes can live long and healthy lives if they take their insulin and keep their blood sugars under control.
Type 2 diabetes is most common in adults, but more teens and people in their early 20s have type 2 diabetes now than ever before.
You get type 2 diabetes when you develop insulin resistance, which means that your body needs higher than usual amounts of insulin because it cannot use the insulin efficiently and you are not able to make enough extra insulin to keep blood sugars normal.
You are most likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have a family history of diabetes and are overweight.
With type 2 diabetes, you can often keep your blood sugar under control by eating a healthy diet, exercising, and taking pills that help your body to either make more insulin or do a better job using the insulin that it already makes.
Sometimes people with type 2 diabetes also need to take insulin shots to keep their blood sugar under control.
Please tell your friends about this website as they could find it a helpful resource in managing their diabetes.