Caring For An Elderly Person With Diabetes


http://Nursing Care of Older People With Diabetes

Caring for an older adult with diabetes may include special challenges such as coexisting medical conditions, physical limitations and failing memory.

Whether the person lives alone, with you, or in a nursing home, your involvement can help them obtain better diabetes care and quality of life.

Some unique factors in diabetes eldercare include:

Making sure that the Person Receives Adequate Nutrition

Changes in taste and smell, as well as stomach acid composition,  are a normal part of the aging process. This combination causes many older individuals to eat less and can bring about poor nutrition. Aging family members with diabetes may be at higher risk for vitamin B1, B12, C, D, and folate deficiencies, in addition to deficiencies in various minerals, including calcium, zinc and magnesium.

Older individuals with diabetes, especially those in nursing homes, tend to be underweight. Ensure your loved one is receiving adequate nutrition since low body weight is associated with higher death rates in older adults.

Unnecessary dietary restrictions put in place by long-term care facilities may lead to malnutrition and dehydration. If long-term care is necessary, evaluate the facility for food quality and meal variety to ensure your family member does not lose interest in food.

Older individuals may not be able to tolerate a diet high in fiber. Increases in dietary fiber need to be introduced slowly in conjunction with adequate fluid intake and/or physical activity.

This Is How Much Protein You Really Need To Eat In A Day

High blood glucose levels may cause a greater need to urinate, which in turn can lead to urinary incontinence, sleep disruption, dehydration and an increased risk for injuries and falls.


Frequent urination may also be caused by certain medications, so it may be  hard to determine whether high blood glucose levels or a  drug side effect is the culprit. If a change in urination frequency occurs, be sure to monitor your loved one’s blood glucose levels carefully and talk to your doctor about possible medication causes.


High blood glucose levels cause the blood to become thicker and stickier, which increases the risk for stroke.High blood glucose levels can decrease mental function and make daily diabetes management tasks difficult.

Always remember that improved mental function can usually be maintained with better diabetes control.High blood glucose levels may interfere with the immune system, increasing the risk for infection and preventing normal wound recovery.

Managing the Person’s Medications to make sure they are Taken Properly and to prevent Harmful Drug Interactions

The need for prescription and over-the-counter medications increases with age, so older individuals with diabetes have a higher risk for drug side effects and drug-to-drug interactions.

Due to both the normal aging process and diabetic retinopathy, poor vision can increase the risk of falls. Additionally, the fear of falling may cause an older individual to avoid social interaction and limit activities.

Older adults may use pain-relieving medicines often and, as a result, suffer from reduced mental function and increased risk for injuries and falls.

Dealing with special Physical or Mental Limitations that can make it harder for the Person to care for their Diabetes

Pharma Nord Bio-Pycnogenol 150 tablets

It’s also important to note that, due to increased age, older individuals with diabetes experience complications to a greater degree or at a faster rate:

Between 25% and 70% of individuals aged 74 years and older are estimated to have vision problems due to diabetic retinopathy.

Painful nerve damage in the legs and feet is common among people with diabetes who are over 70 years old.

Heart disease, stroke and diabetes-related amputations appear to occur in older adults at a higher rate.

Older adults with diabetes are 14 times more likely to suffer from depression than older adults who do not have diabetes.

Caring for a loved one with diabetes requires more than administering medication and scheduling doctors’ visits. You play a vital role in making life as safe and comfortable as possible for your family member and there is much you can do to ensure their well-being:

Remain alert.  Behavioral changes are powerful indicators that something may be wrong with your family member’s physical or emotional health.

Learn all you can about diabetes as well as any additional medical conditions your loved one may have. Be aware of the warning signs of high and low blood glucose levels and diabetes complications.

Choose diabetes supplies that are senior-friendly. When selecting a blood glucose meter, look for one that is easy to use, has a large display screen and does not need to be cleaned. If your family member takes insulin, consider insulin pens instead of syringes because insulin pens are usually easier and more convenient to use.

If your family member lives in a nursing home or assisted living facility, review their meal plan and medication list with a staff member. Make unannounced visits during mealtime to see what foods are served and how well your family member is eating.

If your family member lives with you, schedule some time with a licensed dietician to develop a meal plan that will not only appeal to your loved one’s taste, but that will also be compatible with their diabetes care.

For more great Health and Nutrition Tips refer to the website

11 Foods That Can Make You Look Younger

If you have any information,questions, or feedback you would like to include in this post.

Please email or leave your comments below.

Herbs and Spices for Diabetes


Yes, Food IS Medicine – Book 3: Herbs & Spices: A Guide to Understanding, Growing and Eating Phytonutrient-Rich, Antioxidant-Dense Foods: Volume 3

You can make your meals even healthier (and tastier, too!) while strengthening your fight against the diabetes-inducing inflammation in your body. How? You can look to nature and whole plant foods.

I cleaned out my herbs and spices cupboard yesterday!

I found that I had more than one bottle of the same herbs and spices!

I think I need to buy a spice rack!

Could any one of you recommend a good herb and spice rack?

All of the herbs and spices listed here have anti-diabetic and/or anti-inflammatory properties and can be sprinkled on any meal to help reduce the chronic inflammation in your body.

So when you’re cooking your next meal, toss in some of the herbs and spices listed below. And don’t be afraid to experiment in order to get it just right!

By trying new combinations, you’ll learn which herbs and spices offer the best flavors for your dishes and how much you prefer to use.

I was in Waterford for the Harvest Festival last September where I came across an amazing fermented herbs and spices product called spoonful botanical!

I met a lovely friendly young lady called Jayne who explained to me how herself and her partner Conor produced this healthy food.

She said the recipe constitutes of more than fourteen different types of herbs and spices!

It was on a trip to India and Asia that they stumbled on the ingredients which they now use on a daily basis.

She gave me a sample of their spoonful botanical to taste and it was truly delicious!

It has a chutney texture with a sweet flavour from the raisin and after kick from the spices but its not too hot.

I asked Jane could I take some photos of their wonderful product as I wanted to promote it on this diabetes website as I think it would be an ideal health food to help diabetics!


Spoonful Botanical is a natural anti inflammatory product which helps people who are in pain.

From people with arthritis and joint pain to those with heart disease and high cholesterol such as people with Type2 Diabetes!

There has been a lot of positive feedback about this product as you can see from an Rte interview broadcast on the 13th July 2020 on the Nationwide Programme!


1. Cinnamon


http://Homemade My Way Cinnamon Bark Chips

Cinnamon contains vital components that can help lower blood sugar levels.  Cinnamon is beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes.  It has a beneficial effect on fasting plasma glucose, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people with Type 2 diabetes.

You can take 1 to 2 grams of cinnamon daily in the form of tea. You can also sprinkle it on your oatmeal, smoothies or use it in cooking and baking.

Note: If you take a blood-thinning medication, avoid taking cinnamon.

‘>How Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar and Fights Diabetes

2. Fenugreek


http://Peacock Kasoori Methi(dried Fenugreek Leaves) 3.5 Oz

Fenugreek is a herb that diabetic people should include in their diets. Due to its blood sugar lowering properties it can improve glucose tolerance and lower blood sugar levels.

Fenugreek seeds have a positive effect on blood glucose levels!

Soak 1 to 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. The next morning, drink the water and eat the seeds. Follow this remedy daily.

You can also eat baked goods made with fenugreek flour.

Fenugreek seeds are excellent at stabilising blood sugar levels so people should add them regularly to salads and stirfrys!

3. Ginger

Anti-diabetic properties in ginger are beneficial in controlling blood sugar levels!

Ginger also can improve insulin sensitivity and improve cholesterol levels!

It even helps with weight loss!

Drink one cup of ginger tea daily.

Also, include fresh or dry ginger in your cooking.

Ginger is very good for the digestive system,also it is good for fighting colds and flus!


4. Turmeric

Turmeric is a good spice to control blood sugar levels!

It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties,also it is good for the heart and good for weight loss !

Curcumin is a key component in turmeric,which is great for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and other chronic illnesses!

Turmeric is great for the kidneys and for the immune system!

Include raw or powdered turmeric in your cooking.

Turmeric is a bright yellow/orange spice which is great for the liver,for indigestion and has anti-cancer properties!


4 Ways Turmeric May Improve Your Health


5. Garlic

Garlic also helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels !

It contains sulfur compounds that protect against oxidative damage and even high cholesterol!

Garlic is great for the liver,the digestive system,the heart and all vital organs!

It has anti-cancer properties as well!

Garlic is very good for you so you should consume it as often as possible!

Garlic can be used in cooking,in stirfrys,in bread and in all sorts of dishes!


6. Curry Leaves

curry- leaves

http://Ajika Fresh Curry Leaves – South Indian, Thai, Sri Lankan Herb, Citrus Flavor Ships Tuesday

Aromatic curry leaves may also be useful in managing high blood sugar!

Several minerals in this herb help maintain normal glucose level in the blood.

The leaves are great in all kinds of curry especially indian curry!

Curry Leaves are great at controlling blood pressure and are good for the heart and digestive system!

You can add curry leaf powder to your soups or salads!

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel helps lower blood glucose levels!

Aloe Vera has anti-diabetic properties,it is great for the heart,the lungs and the kidneys!

Drink a glass of aloe vera juice  every day!

You can also apply pure aloe vera gel externally to boils and other skin infections to reduce inflammation and irritation!

8. Cloves



http://Simply Organic Whole Cloves, 2.05 Ounce

This herb contains antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help lower blood glucose levels!

It helps prevent some of the complications associated with diabetes, such as heart disease, eye disease and vascular problems like diabetic ulcers!

Simply add a little of this herb to your foods or chew a few cloves daily!

Cloves are also good for a sore throat,for bad breath and aids digestion!

 9. Korean Ginseng

Korean ginseng is good for controlling blood sugar levels!

It increases insulin sensitivity as well as reduces diabetic complications!

It is a great anti-diabetic herb and is excellent for your digestive system!

Drink 1 to 2 cups of Korean ginseng tea daily!

Note: People who have hormone-related problems must avoid using this herb.

10. Oregano

Oregano is another herb that stabilises blood sugar levels!

Oregano helps fight inflammation!

Add a few drops of oregano oil to a glass of water  and drink it daily!

Alternatively, drink a cup of oregano tea daily.

In addition, sprinkle a little dried oregano on your soups, salads or morning smoothies.

Click Here For Free Ebook called”Natural Herbs 101″.Learn about growing your own herbs in the privacy of your home and using them in a variety of cooking.

Refer to our article Using Herbal Remedies Safely!

Recommended Herb and Spice Products

1.http://Growing and Using Stevia: The Sweet Leaf from Garden to Table with 35 Recipes



For more great Health and Nutrition Tips refer to the website

5 Cooking Tips to Spice Up Your Heart-Healthy Diet


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Micronutrients & Diabetes

 understanding micronutrients


Understanding Micronutrients : A Complete Guide About Vitamins, Minerals, Health Benefits And More

Micro may mean small, but micronutrients are far from insignificant. Without a regular supply of micronutrients, our bodies would literally starve. Micronutrients include all vitamins and minerals .

We take it in, often without realising, and are an essential part of a diabetic diet. As an example, celery contains well over a dozen different micronutrients including a number of vitamins, potassium, calcium, iron and more.

Micronutrients such as niacin, magnesium, calcium, zinc, carnitine, inositol, alpha-lipoic acid, as well as vitamins E, B6 and D all play an important role in the prevention and management of patients with diabetes.

Though diabetes is a serious disease and is often caused by autoimmune processes – with the right treatment – living a longer, healthier life can be made easier.


Micronutrient -miracle
Micronutrient Miracle: The 7-day plan to improve energy, prevent disease and lose weight fast!

Vitamin E – Confers protection against diabetes by protecting pancreatic B-cells from oxidativestress induced damage; May prevent progression of type I diabetes.

Vitamin D – Lowers risk of type I and 2 diabetes; Suppresses inflammation of pancreatic B-cells. Vitamin D receptor gene linked to diabetes.

Vitamin B3 – Preserves B-cell function in type I diabetics; Part of GTF (glucose tolerance factor) which facilitates insulin binding.

Vitamin B12 – Deficiency common in diabetics because metformin depletes B12.

Chromium – Helps insulin attach to cell’s receptors increasing glucose uptake into cell; Deficiency can cause insulin resistance; Supplementation trials show dose-dependent benefits for type II diabetics.

Biotin – Stimulates glucose-induced insulin secretion in pancreatic B-cells; High dose biotin can improve glycemic control in diabetics.

Magnesium – Deficiency reduces insulin sensitivity; Low magnesium exacerbates foot ulcers in diabetics.

Zinc – Needed in the synthesis, storage and secretion of insulin; Protects pancreatic B-cells from damage; Affects the expression of genes linked to diabetes.

Lipoic Acid – Enhances glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue; Improves glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetics; very effective treatment for diabetic neuropathy.

Glutathione & Cysteine – Glutathione-containing enzymes protect B-cells which are particularly sensitive to oxidative stress; Type 2 diabetics have abnormal antioxidant status; Supplementation with the glutathione precursor cysteine restores antioxidant status. Glutathione is very helpful with modulating inflammation cascades so common in autoimmune processes.

Glutathione Benefits

Coenzyme Q10 – Protects kidney from diabetes related damage; Improves glycemic control in type 2 diabetics.

Glutamine – Stimulates a hormone called GLP-I (glucagon-like peptide I) that regulates insulin secretion after meals; Improves insulin signaling and sensitivity.

Carnitine – Reduces and even prevents pain from diabetic neuropathy; Improves insulin sensitivity by increasing glucose uptake and storage.

Inositol – Evidence suggests that inositol may be effective in treating diabetic neuropathy.

Vitamin C – Lowers glycolysated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and fasting and post-meal glucose levels  in type 1 and type 2  diabetics.

How to include more Micro-Nutrients in Your Diet

Although needed only in small amounts, micro-nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of every system in the body and are vital for good health. There are two classes of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Each vitamin and mineral has a specific role in bodily function. Our bodies cannot make all of these micro-nutrients, so they must be supplied through the diet.

Lidl have a variety of healthy products such as organic honey,herbal teas and a range of different healthy spices!

I think everyone should go into Lidl and have a browse around and see what they can find which is healthy!

Why dont we all pick one item in Lidl which is healthy and take a photo of it and leave it in the comment section below or send me an email!

See below photos of some of their healthy products!

Apple Cider Vinegar is very healthy with few calories and has a low glycemic index!

Chillies are a good source of fibre and are great in stir frys and casserol dishes!

Lidl have a great variety of healthy herbal teas!My favourite is their peppermint tea!

Lidl sell a variety of organic products such as organic honey which is a healthy alternative to processed white sugar!

Different foods contain different levels of vitamins and minerals, so it’s important that you eat a wide variety of foods from the different food groups and a variety within each food group, to make sure you get an adequate supply of all the micro-nutrients your body needs.

Vitamin A is an important micronutrient needed for healthy eyesight and gums, Vitamin C for a healthy functioning immune system, and Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which helps fight free radical damage in the body.

We need vitamin D for strong bones and immune function, and our B vitamins for energy production, nervous system health and for proper digestion.

There are also essential minerals that play important roles in the body such as iron needed for red blood cell production, calcium for strong healthy bones and teeth, magnesium for nervous system health, and zinc for healthy skin, reproductive and immune function.

Selenium is also an important mineral which acts as an antioxidant to protect the body from chronic diseases and premature aging.


The Best Acne-Fighting Herbs For Clear Skin



Vitamin A – Milk, cheese, eggs (yolk), orange and yellow fruits and vegetables


Vitamin B – Legumes, wholegrain cereals, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables


Vitamin C – Citrus fruits, broccoli, strawberry, parsley, cabbage


Vitamin D – Citrus fruits, broccoli, strawberry, parsley, cabbage


Vitamin E – Olives and olive oil, avocado, wholegrain cereals


Iron – Lean meat, green leafy vegetables, legumes


Calcium – Dairy products, almonds, tahini, green leafy vegetables


Magnesium – Nuts, seeds, wholegrains, legumes, green leafy vegetables


Zinc – Lean meat, chicken, fish, sunflower and pumpkin seeds


Selenium – Brazil nuts, wheatgerm, sunflower seeds, oats

For more great Health and Nutrition Tips refer to the

Foods High in Potassium for Heart Health

Recommended Micronutrient Resources

1.http://Micronutrient Diet Recipes (A Beginner’s Guide): The ultimate guide to losing weight, regaining energy and live a healthy lifestyle in 28 days.


2.http://Diabetes: Oxidative Stress and Dietary Antioxidants


3.http://Naked Calories: Discover How Micronutrients Can Maximize Weight Lose, Prevent Dosease and Enhance Your Life


Leave below any comments you have on the above topics or information or send an email to

Macronutrients & Diabetes

Advanced Nutrition: Macronutrients, Micronutrients, and Metabolism

The macronutrients referred to in human diets are the three food groups that provide us with energy, namely carbohydrates, fat and protein. These three major nutrients are more than simply providers of fuel for our bodies.Fats and protein are both vital for building cells and helping the cells carry out their duties.

Carbohydrate can be stored as fat,that is why a lot of people who eat a lot of carbohydrate foods have a lot of extra fat around their abdomen!

Carbohydrate rich foods should be avoided as much as possible especially for diabetics as they cause blood sugar levels to rise!

Also it is very important for diabetics to take stock of how much carbohydrate they eat at each meal,for more information on this Click Here!

All meats should be avoided as they are high in fat especially red meat such as Irish Black Angus Ribeye!

There is just as much unhealthy fat as protein in red meat!

Most vegetables have no carbohydrate ,the only vegetables that have a little carbohydrate are legumes such as peas,sweetcorn,beans and also parsnips!

So everyone should be eating a lot of vegetables and staying away from all meat especially red meat!

Why Carbohydrates Are So Important in Diabetes

Wholegrain carbohydrates
Wholegrain carbohydrates

Counting carbohydrates at meals and snack time is one method used to control blood sugar levels as explained Here!

How you eat can affect Blood Sugar

Diabetes Diet: 7 Day Well-Balanced Diabetes Diet Meal Plan At 1600 Calorie Level-Choose Healthy Foods And Understand How Different Foods And The Amounts Affect Your Blood Sugar

Choosing the right kind of carbohydrates and spacing them out evenly throughout the day can keep blood sugar from rising too high, too fast (90% of the carbohydrate calories you digest end up as glucose, so they have a much bigger impact on blood sugar than fat or protein).

The goal is to take in enough carbohydrates to nourish ourselves, but never so much that it causes high blood sugar levels!

People with diabetes should never eat foods that contain so-called “simple” sugars,those found in cakes and candy and instead eat “complex” carbohydrates, those with longer chains of glucose molecules such as fruit, vegetables, and wholegrains!

All carbohydrates can cause a rise in blood sugar level! Pasta, potatoes and all processed foods will cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels!

Vegetables cause very little rise in blood sugar levels so people should be eating a lot more vegetables especially vegetables with no carbohydrate in them!

The best vegetables to eat that have no carbohydrate in them are lettuce,cucumber,courgettes,tomatoes,beetroot,carrots,cabbage,broccoli and all different types of herbs!

I think people should not be eating meat at all,I have written a section on this in another article Click Here!

Some carbs are better than others

The goal for everyone should be to maximise intake of the good stuff,vitamins, minerals, and fiber and minimize carbohydrates that boost blood sugar levels too much, offer few nutritional benefits, or are packed with fat and calories!

A health professional will help you develop a meal plan to get a good balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat, and an appropriate amount of calories. They’ll teach you how to manage carbohydrate intake by carbohydrate counting Click Here.

You’ll need to fine-tune your meal plan by testing blood sugar before and after meals.

Also it is very important to test your blood sugar levels at least eight times a day using your Blood Tester when you are an insulin dependent diabetic!

It is also important to test your blood sugar levels when you are a Type 2 diabetic,I think about six times a day would be adequate!

Carbohydrates generally have their peak effect on blood sugar levels about two hours after eating!

For more great Health and Nutrition Tips refer to the

How to Reduce Carbohydrate Intake

Glycemic Index Diet (GI Diet) and Diabetes


http://The Glycemic Load Diabetes Solution: Six Steps to Optimal Control of Your Adult-Onset (Type 2) Diabetes

A low Glycemic index diet can be particularly effective for people with Diabetes!

Low GI diets are diets which incorporate foods like fruit and vegetables which are more slowly converted into energy by the body.

Low GI diets can be a suitable option for people with diabetes as they can help to make blood glucose levels more stable than diets based around high GI foods.

What does Low and High GI mean?

The Glycemic Index ranks food depending on the rate at which the body breaks it down to form glucose.

High GI foods are those that are quickly broken down into glucose. Typical examples of high GI foods include white bread, sweetened drinks, biscuits, potatoes and processed foods!

Low GI foods are those that are broken down more slowly by the body. Typical examples of low GI foods include whole grain bread, beans, all vegetables and fruit!

What do Low GI foods do in relation to Diabetes?

As low GI foods tend to break down more slowly, they are less likely to cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels compared to high GI foods and therefore they are a better option for keeping stable blood glucose levels.

Choosing low GI foods over high GI foods leaves you feeling more satisfied over a longer period of time, and less likely to feel hungry before the next meal!

What do High GI foods do in relation to Diabetes?

High GI foods break down very quickly causing blood glucose levels to rise sharply. People with diabetes refer to sharp rises in blood sugar levels as ‘spikes’ in blood sugar levels!

High GI foods can force the body to try to produce a surge of insulin to counteract the quick acting carbohydrates and a common consequence of this is a feeling of hunger within an hour!

For people with diabetes High GI foods can be detrimental to their health!

For this reason, people with diabetes have to be careful when it comes to eating High GI foods!

9 Nutrition Label Mistakes Most Of Us Make


Glycemic Index Range

GI & GL Counter

Should Diabetics eat a Glycemic Index Diet?

For people with diabetes striving to keep their blood sugar stable, a GI diet can make all the difference!

It is very important to eat Low GI foods and stay away from High GI foods!

Is there any advice about the Glycemic Index Diet?

The general advice for people with diabetes is to consider the Glycemic index as a very important diet!

As with all dietary changes, people with diabetes should discuss everything with their healthcare professionals!

To get a good understanding of  the GI diet there are many resources available see below some consumer recommended:

How To Be Happy With Diabetes

Express Gratitude.
Express Gratitude, Experience Good: A Daily Gratitude Journal

1. Express Gratitude.

Counting your blessings can take your mind out of the default negative-thinking mode and help you practice positivity.

Before you get out of bed each morning thinks of things you are grateful for.

Focus away from what your chronic condition is taking out of your life and toward what’s possible.

Start the day by asking yourself: “What’s new today? What can I do today that I didn’t do yesterday?”

People who keep “gratitude journals” feel more optimism and greater satisfaction with their lives.

And research shows that writing a “gratitude letter or card” to someone you’ve never properly thanked brings a major boost of happiness.

2.Forgive Others And Wish Others Well

Forgive Others And Wish Others Well
iPhone 4 4S Case OOFIT Phone Hard Case **NEW** Case with Design Always Be Honest Count Your Blessing Bear Each Other’S Burdens Forgive And Forget- Bible Family Rules – Case for Apple iPhone 4/4s by supermalls

The mind’s natural inclination is toward negative thinking, so you have little head space for positive emotions. Hanging on to old hurts leaves you even less room for optimism.

Your health will thank you: Holding on to anger lets negative emotions fester, resulting in a stress reaction that can worsen your health.

Forgiveness can reduce stress, improve your blood pressure, help you sleep better, and lower your heart rate.

That’s why it’s so important to forgive others and then use the freed-up energy for gratitude, kindness, and other positive thoughts.

Give up grudges,  when we forgive those who have wronged us, we feel better about ourselves, experience more positive emotions, and feel closer to others.

Studies show that people who practice mindfulness,the moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and external circumstances,not only have stronger immune systems but are more likely to be happy and enjoy greater life satisfaction, and they are less likely to be hostile or anxious.

Just like making a mental list of all you’re grateful for, mentally wishing others well during the day helps you avoid a wandering mind and the pessimistic thinking that follows.

The reality is, for every person you see, that person is silently struggling with something in their head,wish that person well!

3. Show Kindness

Show Kindness

Learning to Be Kind: Over 300 Ways to Be Kind & Show Appreciation

Don’t overlook small acts of kindness.

Even something as apparently insignificant as holding the door for the person behind you can improve your mood.

Little things are big things.

People report greater happiness when they spend money on others than when they spend it on themselves, even though they initially think the opposite would be true.

When we do nice things for others, our brains light up in areas associated with pleasure and reward.

Small kindnesses can improve your whole self-esteem, your sense of who you are rises a bit.

You also feel like if you help someone else, you can help yourself!

4. Cultivate Relationships

Consciously surround yourself with friends and family, and grow those relationships,even if it seems like work.

It’s easy to take the people in our lives for granted, but paying attention to the important people in your life can improve your mental health.

Social connections are key to happiness.

Studies show that close relationships, including romantic relationships, are especially important, suggesting we should make time for those closest to us,people in whom we can confide and who’ll support us when we’re down.

5. Go Outdoors

For a quick pick-me-up, step outside.

It is very important for everyone to go outside and enjoy nature everyday!

Nature has a way of uplifting the spirits and making life seem wonderful and magical!

It is a lovely sunny February day here in Mooncoin County Kilkenny so I went for a walk today to a local beauty spot which is a favourite of mine!

This beauty spot is a great place for fishing and relaxing!

See below a selection of lovely pictures of my favourite beauty spot!

I enjoyed relaxing in the warm sun and looking at the waves dancing and shimmering!

How about you what is your favourite beauty spot?

I would love to here about them why dont you leave a comment and photos below or email me,it would be great to share beauty spots from all over the world!

Nature is a mood enhancer, scientists are finding evidence that being in nature has a profound impact on our brains and our behavior, helping us to reduce anxiety, brooding, and stress, and increase our attention capacity, creativity, and our ability to connect with other people.

Our culture propagates the harmful myth that we should strive to be as comfortable as possible, to make life as pleasurable as possible, and to resist hardship as much as possible.

Nature calls you back to reality. You can’t stop it from raining.

You can’t delay the setting sun. You can’t set the temperature to a comfortable 70 degrees.

You awake from a dream and realize how little control you really have.

You remember that hardship and lack of control are part of life, and accepting this reality makes it not only bearable, but possible to feel the joy of being alive.

When you behold the beauty of nature,you remember that you are connected to all living things.

You feel that you belong to this Earth. That you are part of the community of nature.

You feel comfortable in your own skin, you experience your own quiet peace and strength.

For people suffering from physical illness or mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety, interacting with nature can help people control their symptoms or even recover, alongside conventional medication.

Feeling a part of nature has been shown to significantly correlate with life satisfaction, vitality, meaningfulness, happiness, mindfulness, and lower cognitive anxiety.

For more great Health and Nutrition Tips refer to the website

6 Science-Backed Reasons Outdoor Exercise Is So Much Better For You

We keep learning about how important vitamin D is for health, including preventing cancer, hormonal problems, obesity, and inflammation, and having a strong immune system.

Vitamin D, also known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, plays a major role in helping to keep your bones and teeth healthy but did you know that low levels of vitamin D can cause depressive symptoms and a low mood?

Because sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, it means spending more time  outside would increase your vitamin D intake.

It’s very common to have depression if you have vitamin D deficiency…so get outside and soak up those rays!

Being in a natural setting can also help increase your quality of sleep, as studies show that natural sunlight helps set the body’s internal clock that tells us when to eat and sleep.

And we all know how important sleep is not just for our health, but even for weight loss.

Research has consistently linked lower sleep to lower happiness.

Most of us spend too much time in front of screens and too little time outdoors. It’s time to fall back in love with nature!

6. Expand your knowledge

You are probably living in your comfort zone, as we all do.

When you are acting within your comfort zone, your learning and development opportunities are limited as you are likely to be doing something that you are already comfortable in doing.

However, if you want to realise your full potential, you need to stretch, grow, learn and develop.

To do this, you need to consciously make decisions to step outside of your comfort zone and take on new challenges and experiences.

If you do today what you have always done, then tomorrow you will get what you have always gotten.

By learning new skills you open up new opportunities that might not have been available to you before. Learning empowers you and helps you achieve your aspirations and career goals.

By discovering things you’re good at and expanding your skills portfolio‚ you increase your self-esteem and gain a sense of pride from your achievements.

My career goal is achieved through this website!I learned many technical aspects of how to create a website through a training programme called Wealthy Affiliate.

The best thing about wealthy affiliate is that they help you when things go wrong especially at the beginning when you are not quite sure what you are doing!

There is a strong community of members who motivate each other!

Also there is a site support team who are great when you make mistakes,they help to fix them and this happened to me on numerous occasions!

They have great training videos that helped me a lot!We give each other feedback that helps to improve our websites,good feedback is essential!

Studies show that using your skills makes you happier; learning new skills boosts the body’s natural production of dopamine (you know, the feel good hormone!).

The exercise of learning itself stimulates the brain and helps to keep your mind sharp.

Learning something new in one area can have a ripple effect in others‚ contributing to longevity and good health in later life.

Learning is a process of self-improvement‚ allowing you to reflect on who you are and to add more dimensions to your capability‚ character and interests.

When you acquire new knowledge‚ you often want to share this knowledge with others.

I dont know if you know this but I just acquired some new knowledge the other day about a new type of phone charger,it is called a mobile phone charger.

My husband Brendan bought it to bring on holiday’s to use on the plane.It is going to be very handy what do you think?

A mobile phone charger my husband Brendan bought for our holidays

The process of passing on knowledge in this way brings you closer to others.

Learning transforms who we are as people‚ not just because it gives us knowledge we otherwise would not have had‚ but also because it gives us confidence in our ability and transforms our attitudes as a result.

With the power of learning we have the ability to do whatever it is we want!

What do you want your life to look like?

Find the balance between what’s realistic and what’s possible.

The road to happiness and fulfillment in life is not a straight line so consider alternate routes!

7.Music makes you feel better

Whether you’re performing it or listening to it, music can increase your happiness as well as the happiness of those around you because it lifts your spirits up!

Music has the power to do so much.

It can make you feel happy, sad, excited or even pumped up.

Listening to music that hits you in a special way causes your brain to release dopamine which is known as a feel good chemical.

It causes us to feel emotions like happiness, excitement, joy, etc.

Listening to music provides us with the same burst of happiness that we would get from eating a piece of chocolate.

Music has been found to boost the immune systems of patients after surgeries, lower stress in pregnant women and decrease the blood pressure and heart rate in cardiac patients, thus reducing complications from cardiac surgery.

Music has touched cultures all over the world since very early times in human history.

Whether it’s the music that we listen to on the way to work, while we workout, or the music we hear in a  film, it can bring up our moods,or tell us a story.

The beautiful thing is, everyone’s taste in music is different so no matter what music you make, you’re likely to find someone who will appreciate it.

Music is capable of a number of health benefits including lowering stress levels, raising states of consciousness, changing moods, accessing different states of mind, developing the brain and is useful in meditation which has a ton of health benefits.

8.Get physical


Cycle Through Tropical Scenery – or indoor walking, treadmill and cycling workouts

Exercise isn’t just good for our bodies, it’s good for our minds.

Studies show that regular physical activity increases happiness and self-esteem, reduces anxiety and stress, and can even lift symptoms of depression.

Exercise may very well be the most effective instant happiness booster of all activities.

When we walk, run, bike or engage in some other form of physical exercise, we generally seem to feel happier and less anxious.

In addition to increased energy, physically active people  feel a sense of accomplishment in meeting personal fitness goals and also, they may feel proud of their improved physical appearance.

When you start working out and achieving goals you never thought possible, you’ll feel an incredible sense of accomplishment.

And that can do wonders for your happiness.

Staying active on a regular basis has been shown to improve sleeping problems of insomniacs.

And research shows that people who begin exercising regularly report that their sleep quality improves significantly changing their diagnosis from poor to good sleeper.

Next time you’re feeling down, stressed or anxious, go get some exercise.

Because not only does exercise change your body for the better, it can also change your outlook on life to a more positive one.

You’ll be happier and healthier because of it.

How To Control Your Moods & Achieve Your Goals

 9.Animals make us happy


100 Simple Secrets Why Dogs Make Us Happy: The Science Behind What Dog Lovers Already Know

Pet owners have lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels,less stress, depression, and loneliness than those who don’t own pets.

Pet ownership tends to prompt people to adopt a multitude of healthy behaviors.

The responsibility gives pet owners purpose and makes them feel needed, improving their senses of self worth.

It also forces them to get off the couch and go for a walk every now and then, boosting both health and happiness.

There’s something incredibly comforting about coming home and being greeted with wet, slobbery licks and a wagging tail!

Pets are loyal, nonjudgmental and full of unconditional love. Who could ask for anything more?

Try to see the positive things that have happened in your life since you have had diabetes and note them down on paper.

Put the paper or card in a place where you see it, or remind yourself of those positive things every day.

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Please email or leave your comments below.


Advantages Of Being A Diabetic


Inspirational “One Small Positive Thought” Black Ink Coffee Cup

Diabetes, like any other disease or health condition, has the potential to make us grow.

That does not mean that it is not sometimes very hard to live with diabetes,however having a lot of negative emotions and thoughts about our diabetes is clearly not going to get us out of this situation.

On the contrary, it would surely worsen it!

Trying to “fight” diabetes is surely not the best way to deal with it,i think  the best concept is to believe that whatever you’re doing to treat your illness is helping you overcome it.

We should  listen to the advice given to us by our doctor on medication, diet and exercise and educate ourselves on all aspects of diabetes.

No matter how negative you perceive your life right now, there is surely something you can be grateful for.

Start there and see how, little by little, you’ll think of more things to be grateful for.

For a long time I used to think of diabetes as a negative thing in my life but over the years I have come to realise that it has brought me positive things too.

So here are some good things about having diabetes. (Please note there is a difference between saying having diabetes is a good thing, and that there can be good things about having diabetes.)

1.You are more in touch with your body.

Having diabetes means not only knowing what your blood sugar levels are every day, but “reading” your body and recognizing when your sugar levels may be too low and paying attention to changes in your vision, feeling in your fingers and toes, energy level, body weight, and more.

You have more insight into how you react to certain stimuli, because you have to know how your body’s going to react to anything you put into it

Being more aware of your body and its changes allows you to recognize when something may be amiss and to take action before the situation progresses, such as complications associated with diabetes.

2.You are encouraged to try new foods.


Healthy Eating Guide for Adults & Children – The Show ‘N Tell E-Z Nutrition Fun Facts Pack – Set of Guidebook and Flash Cards – Great Eat Right Education Tool for Parents & Teachers – Show Kids How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits – Flashcards Help Toddlers, Boys & Girls Learn while Playing & Having Fun

Chances are you were advised to make some significant dietary changes when you were diagnosed with diabetes. Rather than viewing the diagnosis as the time to eliminate favorites from your menu, consider how to adopt some new foods to take their place.

It’s not about never eating ice cream again; it’s about trying and discovering new desserts.

As people with diabetes, our emphasis is on food consumption as science.

We know that good, wholesome food in its natural state brings health to everyone.

We become better at making proper food choices.

Make a list of new foods that are good for diabetes and try one new one each week.

3.You can make new friends.

Millions of people have diabetes, and there are support groups like this website where you can share your fears, concerns, ideas, recipes, and other topics about diabetes.

4.You are encouraged to exercise more.

Let’s face it: it can be difficult to motivate yourself to exercise, and having diabetes is an important reason to get up and move.

You don’t have to exercise alone: bring along a friend, join an aerobics class, walk during lunch, find a diabetes support group where members get together and exercise.

5.You can learn new cooking skills.


The Diabetic Cookbook: 100 Diabetic Friendly Easy to Cook Recipes: Volume 1

There’s no shortage of books or websites on easy recipes for diabetes. You can learn new ways to prepare old favorites as well as how to incorporate foods low on the glycemic scale into your daily menu.

6.You can politely avoid food.

Whenever you want to avoid eating something someone has made  you can say, “I can’t eat that because of my diabetes.”

On long haul flights overseas, by letting the airline know that you need a diabetic meal, you get served first and often the food is better than what the general public are getting!

7.You can get healthier.

Having diabetes means, by definition, that you have a health problem. But with that said, the work that goes into managing diabetes can actually improve your wellbeing in other ways.

If you follow the diet, weight loss, exercise, and stress management advice for people with diabetes, you can improve not only your management of diabetes, but your overall health as well.

Managing diabetes means going to your doctor for regular checkups and screenings.

It means eating fewer refined and processed carbohydrates.

It means not smoking, exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight.

While diabetes certainly has the potential to wreak havoc on your health, it also forces you to pay attention to it.

Getting regular blood tests we are able to catch other issues before they become too big (cholesterol being a good example).
Having diabetes encouraged me to keep up healthier habits than many non-diabetic people.

8.You can become more disciplined.

Being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes forced me to become more responsible and accountable for myself before my peers.

If you want to live a full, healthy life with diabetes, then you need to follow the advice of your healthcare providers.

That requires discipline, and that’s a skill that comes in handy in nearly every aspect of your life: at home or work, learning new skills, and as an example for your family and friends.

9.Your family can get healthier.

If you need to follow a more healthful diet and lifestyle, why not make it a family affair? That way everyone can benefit from a more balanced and nutritious diet, regular exercise, and weight control. Everyone wins.

10.You can be a positive role model.

Following a healthy eating program, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and paying attention to your overall health on a daily basis are excellent lessons for people.

Your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors may benefit from seeing your positive ways of coping with and managing diabetes.

You could be an inspiration for others and help them deal with diabetes.

Diabetes has helped me find my voice. I have learned to fight for myself as well as others!

11.An increased tolerance for needles

Being diagnosed with diabetes makes your tolerance for needles go way up.

12.Business ideas

Living with diabetes makes you an expert in living with diabetes, and that in turn can give you business ideas (or job opportunities) that someone without diabetes might not have.

Just by talking the language of diabetes every day, you will be more familiar with medical terminology than the average person.

This gives an advantage in any health care related job and in science subjects.

Plenty of people have used their personal experience to launch diabetes-inspired businesses, like this website.

13.Giving me the Motivation to Be the Best I Can Be


5 Life Is 10 What Happens To Me And 90 Of How I React To It Motivational Inspirational Love Life Quote Words Belive Determination Best Color Photo Picture Unique Print A4 Wall Poster

You get some great life skills,its a life long condition that requires lots of patience, persistence and strength of will to manage.

It makes you become a stronger person and overcome obstacles .
Diabetes taught me at an early age how to persevere using strength and determination to overcome adversity, to get back on my feet when setbacks occur.

14.Learning Compassion for Others—as Well as for Myself

When someone around me exhibits troubling behavior such as anger or an inability to concentrate,

I have compassion, realizing that this behavior could be physical in origin—the result of illness such as diabetes,family or work problems, hunger, tiredness,or even a vitamin deficiency .


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Life-Threatening Complications of Pet Diabetes

Living With A Diabetic Dog: How To Keep Your Dog Healthy, Prevent Common Problems And Avoid Complications

When diabetes goes undiagnosed, or when it is difficult to control or regulate, the complication of diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA) can occur.

DKA develops because the body is so lacking in insulin. Insulin starvation causes the body to start breaking down fat in an attempt to provide energy (or a fuel source) to the body. Unfortunately, these fat breakdown products, called “ketones,” are also poisonous to the body.

Clinical signs of DKA include the following:


2.Not moving ( hanging out by the water bowl)

3.Not eating


5.Excessive thirst and urination (strong yellow urine)

6.Large urinary clumps in the litter box .

7.Weight loss

8.Flaky skin coat

9.Abnormal breath (typically a sweet “ketotic” odor like pear drop sweets)

In severe cases DKA can also result in more significant signs:

1.Abnormal breathing pattern

2.Abdominal pain

3.Tremors or seizures



Diagnosing DKA

Treatment, typically, is required for 3-7 days, and includes the following:

1.A special intravenous catheter called a “central line” (That aids in ketone reduction and helps dehydration by injecting insulin regularly in very small doses.)

2.Aggressive intravenous fluids

3.Blood sugar monitoring in order to check that the ketones are disappearing.

4.A fast acting or ultra fast acting insulin, regular or Lispro, typically given intravenously or in the muscle

5.Blood pressure monitoring

6.Nutritional support (often in the form of a temporary feeding tube)

Preventing DKA

In order to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis regularly monitor your dog’s blood glucose levels and check for ketones using a ketone meter.

Help keep your diabetic pet healthy – after all, it’s treatable!

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Treating Canine Diabetes

A blood test that measures your dog’s blood glucose level is the most common method of diagnosing diabetes.

Once your dog is diagnosed, his/her veterinarian will give you a diabetes management plan for your dog which will help you manage his/her condition.

Your vet will advise you on what insulin dose to give your dog,how often you need to inject your dog with insulin and the correct diet and exercise plan for your pet.

After treatment starts, your dog will need to be routinely tested to see how well the treatment is working.

The dog is given a HbA1C blood test which gives an indication of the average blood glucose level for the past three months.It is very important that the dog is given a HbA1C blood test every three months.

Pets with type 1 diabetes are given insulin injections and may need changes in diet, and may need to lose weight. Pets with type 2 diabetes do not need insulin because they can usually be controlled with diet, weight loss, and oral medication (Glipizide).

PetTest Blood Glucose Monitoring Kit

Blood glucose monitoring will  be an important aspect of treatment. This involves lightly pricking your dog’s skin on one of the paws and alternate paws everyday, gathering a drop of blood onto a test strip and running it through a blood glucose meter. Most treatment plans involve two insulin shots daily.

Which Types of Insulin Do Pets Use?

Ultimately your pet’s veterinarian will recommend the best types of insulin your pet will need. Below is a list of the more common types of insulin pets use that are diagnosed with diabetes:

1.Regular crystalline insulin, which has a rapid onset and short duration of action, perhaps only a few hours.

2.Intermediate-acting insulin, such as NPH (Isophane), which has an intermediate duration of about 12 hours (Vetsulin Insulin) (ProZinc can last up to 24 hours)

3.Lente insulin, which has an intermediate duration of 12 hours, but lasts as long as 24 hours in some pets.

4.Ultralente insulin, which is long-acting, usually as long as 24 hours, but it may be only as long as 12 hours in some pets.

Pets use insulin made from  a combination of beef and pork.

Insulin is injected with special syringes that are calibrated in units. The syringes have tiny needles because they are intended to deliver insulin below the skin.

Why Is Insulin Injected?

Insulin is a protein that is destroyed by stomach acid when it is swallowed. Instead, insulin is injected under the skin and is picked up by the blood and circulated throughout the body.

Are Options Other than Insulin Available for Dogs with Diabetes?

Unfortunately, other options for treating diabetes in dogs have proven to be less than successful. At one time, there was hope that the oral hyperglycemic agents that act to lower blood glucose when given by mouth would be useful in treating diabetic dogs.

Reasons Why Insulin Is the Best Treatment for Diabetic Dogs

The primary reason that insulin is the best treatment for canine diabetes is the fact that dogs with diabetes almost always suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes. This means that the cells in the pancreas that normally secrete insulin are no longer functional and the pancreas can no longer secrete insulin in quantities sufficient to regulate your diabetic dog’s blood glucose levels.

 It is extremely important to pay attention to your pet’s diet, supplements, exercise, and weight control.

At the moment I am reading an excellent autobiography called Becoming The Supervet listening to the animals by Noel Fitzpatrick which highlights the importance of animals in our society!

Noel tells his journey from a bullied farm boy from Ballyfin, Laois, to national treasure, who puts prosthetic limbs on bunny rabbits, grows new feet on dogs from bone taken from their tails, and pioneers 3D hip and shoulder replacements for our furry domestic friends. He is, quite simply, bionic: Visionary, restless, ultra-focused, ultra-driven.

Companionship, pleasure, service, conservation, and stabilization of the economy are but a few of the contributions animals make that help our society function. Throughout our history, animals have been used to till the soil, aid in transportation, and build structures.

At Noels surgery, there are no cages, just glass walls; the animals he treats do not have ‘owners’, but ‘family’. He hugs everyone, humans and animals alike, and speaks openly of the devastation of not being able to save an animal!

He tells us how prosthetic limbs for animals are ten years more advanced than for humans; he says that animals have been used to advance human medicine without ever benefitting from it, and wants to change this!


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What Are the Symptoms of Diabetes in Dogs?

Hachi and Bruno going for a spin in the car

Hachi is a young dog so he is full of health and vitality as he is only four years old wheras Bruno is an older dog of thirteen years and has some health problems.

He has arthritis in his back legs which means he finds it difficult to walk.

This means that he cant exercise much so he is inclined to put on weight.That is very common for old labradors and also he likes his grub so Brendan and myself are a bit worried he could get type 2 diabetes so we are trying to cut down on his food and take him for small walks down the road as far as our next door neighbour’s David and Grainne.

Bruno exhibits none of the following symptoms yet Thank God!

These  symptoms should be investigated as they could be indicators that your dog has diabetes:

1.Change in appetite

Your pet might grow hungrier over time because high blood sugar levels(hyperglycemia) and ketones in the urine.

If your pet has low blood sugar levels(hypoglycemia)they also are hungrier and they need some form of carbohydrate to feel better.

For example Pedigree dog nuts which my dog Bruno loves more than the cheaper priced dog nuts.

2.Excessive thirst/Increased Urination

These two signs are an indication of a diabetic condition, so you’ll want to watch closely for them, especially as your pet ages.

Unfortunately, increased thirst and urine output are also signs of other serious health problems, so regardless of the age or condition of your dog or cat, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian (and bring a urine sample) if you notice these symptoms.

3.Weight loss

High blood sugar levels(Hyperglycemia) cause significant weight loss because there is not enough insulin to break down the glucose in the body’s blood which causes the sugar levels to rise because of the fat being burned instead of carbohydrate.

When  your pet’s body are being starved of essential nutrients, the result is often an increase in appetite. When the energy from food is not being used efficiently  your pet can lose weight even though he’s taking in more calories.

4.Unusually sweet-smelling or fruity breath

Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)can be a complication of untreated diabetes and may cause  bad breath. DKA comes from the increasing number of ketones in the blood that inevitably results in a strong acetone odor coming from your animal’s mouth.


You’re pet has no energy and an increased need for sleep. When your pet’s body is deprived of insulin there is too much glucose in the body and the pets blood sugar levels are very high and that causes fat to be burned off instead of carbohydrate and it’s carbohydrate that gives your pet energy .The pet is then apt to show a general lack of desire to run, go for a walk, or engage in play.

 6.Diabetic dog shaking and trembling

When your diabetic dog displays the symptoms of weak legs,  trembling, shivering, sleepiness,disorientation and slow reactions,it means that the dog is hypoglycemic.(low blood sugar)

This happens because you injected too much insulin or your dog didn’t eat its entire ration. In this case you have to check his /her blood sugar levels with a glucometer and provide your dog with carbohydrate rich food such as pedigree dog nuts. If the symptoms do not resolve contact your vet without delay, hypoglycemia is a very dangerous condition.

 7.Urinary tract infections

It’s not at all uncommon for diabetic dogs and cats to acquire urinary tract infections. This happens because the more sugar there is in the urine, the greater the likelihood that bacteria will grow in your pet’s bladder.

High blood sugar levels causes fat to be burned off instead of carbohydrate,this results in more sugar in the urine.

The more sugar in the urine the more likely you are to get urinary tract infections.

8.Vomiting/refusing to eat

When your dog refuses to eat and/or vomits these are important symptoms of canine diabetes. This lets you know that your dog has Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA), which is one of the most dangerous complication of diabetes. You should check your pet’s blood sugar level with a glucometer and if the blood sugar level is high inject the pet with insulin.

If this does not work contact your vet immediately.

9.Diabetic Retinopathy, blindness

Another symptom of diabetes in companion animals is blindness, which is seen primarily in dogs, but cats can also develop blindness as a result of diabetic retinopathy.

10.Chronic skin infections

A diabetic dog may have skin problems. It’s coat may be affected, it becomes dull, rough and dry.


Seizures and coma are signs that your diabetic dog is very hypoglycemic.(low blood sugar). These are very severe symptoms that require you to feed  your dog at once with a sugary treat or a with a high carbohydrate snack (for example honey or maple syrup being put on the gums if the dog cannot eat). Then call your vet or an emergency veterinary service immediately.


If your dog has diarrhea change his/her’s diet to a healthy dog friendly diet such as good quality dog nuts such as pedigree dog nuts.

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LADA Treatment And Prevention

Treatment And Prevention

Diabetes Prevention and Treatment: Types of Diabetes and True Stories of Diabetic Patient (Diabetes Reset Book 1)

1.Distinguishing LADA diabetics from diabetics with type 2 diabetes is important .

Since insulin resistance is minimal or non-existent in LADA diabetes, medications designed to reduce insulin resistance such as Avandia and Actos are not effective.

Also, several of the oral drugs used to treat Type 2 diabetes stimulate the beta cells to produce insulin, and because LADA involves an autoimmune attack which is stimulated by the production of insulin at the beta cells, stimulating insulin production by the beta cells with drugs may increase the ferocity of the attack, killing more beta cells.

So it is very important to get a correct diagnosis so you can avoid the drugs that stimulate insulin production by the beta cells.

These drugs include the sulfonylureas like Amaryl and Glipizide and may also include the incretin drugs, Byetta and Januvia because they also stimulate insulin production by the beta cells.

Other medications that stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin, slow digestion of carbohydrates, or reduce excess glucose production by the liver are often effective in controlling the blood sugar for a few years.

Because LADA develops slowly, someone with LADA may be able to produce enough of their own insulin to keep sugar levels under control without needing insulin for a number of months or sometimes even years after the initial diagnosis of diabetes.

Insulin will almost certainly be required at some point in the future.

In some cases, insulin therapy may be postponed.

However, there is evidence to suggest that starting insulin treatment soon after a diagnosis of LADA will help to better preserve the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin.

Regular blood glucose testing is advised for people with LADA at a similar number of tests per day that are advised for people with type 1 diabetes.

This means that it is advisable to test your blood sugar levels before each meal and before bed.

One major benefit for patients with Type 1.5 LADA diabetes is that when their blood sugars are controlled they usually do not have the high risk for heart problems more often found with the high cholesterol and blood pressure seen in true Type 2 diabetes.

2.Diet treatment in LADA is similar to that in classic type 1 diabetes.

carbohydrate counting for diabetics

Practical Carbohydrate Counting: A How-to-teach Guide for Health Professionals

Obese LADA patients benefit from restriction in calories consumed and increased levels of physical activity.

Eat a healthy balanced diet with low glycemic index and low glycemic load.

People with diabetes are able to eat exactly like the rest of their family does.

Modern day nutrition guidelines for those with diabetes offer quite a few choices, they are flexible and allow diabetics to fit in special-occasion or favorite foods.

A healthy diet consisting of whole grains, vegetable, fruits, heart healthy fats and lean proteins should be kept by everyone regardless of whether or not they are diabetic.

If you are diabetic you do not have to have “special” meals, the whole family can eat the same; healthy.


Foods such as pasta, cereal, bread and rice are considered starchy foods but they provide carbohydrates which are what give the body energy.

Other foods that also contain carbohydrates are milk, desserts, yogurt and fruit, carbohydrates are something that everyone needs a bit off, even diabetics.

When you consume more carbohydrates than you burn that is when you will gain weight.

Space carbohydrate grams throughout the day.

When a person exceeds 5 hours without eating carbohydrates, the pancreas is forced to release glucagon to stimulate the liver to release glucagon.

If carbohydrate grams are spread accordingly, there is a lesser need for glucagon.

The important thing is to be aware of the amount of each healthy food groups you need to eat in order to maintain safe blood glucose levels and a healthy weight range.

Starchy foods that are high in fiber and whole grain are a great choice for general good nutrition.

Fats that are found in oils, margarine and salad dressings do not immediately affect the blood glucose levels.

That being said eating a fatty meal can slow down the process of digestion making it more difficult for your insulin to work, this could possibly cause elevated glucose levels hours after you have eaten.

Your blood cholesterol can be raised by some fats which increases the risk of a stroke or heart attack. These unhealthy fats are called trans fat and saturated fat and should be limited.
Shortening, butter, milk, cheese and red meat are all sources of saturated fat.

Some snack foods, margarine and fast foods contain trans fats.

Fat is also very high in calories so if your are trying to lose weight you should avoid it.

27 Foods That Can Give You More Energy

Just because you are diabetic you do not need to completely cut all sodium and salt from your diet. However, being as a diabetic is more likely than someone who is not diabetic to suffer from high blood pressure which can cause heart disease they should consider cutting back on the amount of sodium they consume.

Here are few examples of foods that are high in sodium:canned vegetables,salad dressings,canned soups and certain cereals.

Regardless of whether or not you have high blood pressure it is important to be careful with the amount of sodium you consume.

There are individuals who are “salt sensitive” therefore after eating foods with a high salt content they may be experience a spike in their blood pressure levels.

3.Exercise regularly.


The 7 Step Diabetes Fitness Plan: Living Well and Being Fit with Diabetes, No Matter Your Weight (Marlowe Diabetes Library)

Doctors should advise diabetics about exercise programs suited to their individual needs and perform follow-up evaluations to insure that patients are adhering to the plan

It is a great way to build and retain muscle mass and consume excess blood sugar. With the help of regular, properly fueled physical activity, the pancreas need not produce as much insulin or glucagon.

Optimal exercise is a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week over and above usual activity. Optimal time to exercise: 1 to 2 hours after any meal.

4.If You’re Depressed, Get Help

If you’re depressed, you are much less likely to exercise and eat well. But the health dangers don’t end there.

Stanford University scientists think that depression itself alters body chemistry in profound ways that spell trouble for anyone at risk for diabetes.

Rates of insulin resistance were 23 percent higher among depressed women than among women who weren’t depressed, regardless of body weight, exercise habits, or age.

5.Get Better Sleep

A chronic lack of sleep leads to weight gain and reduces your body’ sensitivity to insulin.

In one Yale school of Medicine study of 1,709 men, those who averaged five to six hours of slumber per night doubled their risk of diabetes.

Studies of women have found similar results.

6.Get Out The Tape Measure

Women whose waists measure 35 inches or more and men whose midsection measure 40 inches or more are more likely to have fat deep in their abdomens, which can triple the risk of diabetes while you’re probably overweight if your waist is big, researchers report that they’re seeing more people at a normal weight who also have big waists, so don’t think it’s enough to simply watch the numbers on the scale.

For more great Health and Nutrition Tips refer to the website

The 3 Keys To Healthy Aging After 40

7.Ingest adequate water.

h2o and health

Healing Waters: The Powerful Health Benefits of Ionized H2O

Those with LADA have a greater chance of forming ketones than a person with type 2 diabetes.

The less insulin they produce, the greater the rise of ketones and the greater the ph imbalance in the blood.

For those 5’3” and under a minimum of 48 ounces of water a day; For those over 5’3”, a minimum of 64 ounces of water a day.

Ketoacidosis is a short-term complication of LADA, particularly once the pancreas has lost much of its ability to produce insulin.

People with LADA should be aware of the signs of ketoacidosis and how to test for ketones if needed.

The risks of long term complications of diabetes will be similar to the risks in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

The possible long term complications of diabetes include:

Heart disease and stroke

Retinopathy (retinal disease)

Nephropathy (kidney disease)

Neuropathy (nerve disease)

Foot problems

Diabetes, including latent autoimmune diabetes is a chronic illness that can have devastating complications.

However, it is possible for most persons with diabetes to actively participate in their daily health care needs and dramatically reduce the risk of diabetes complications.

Diabetes education, motivation, and state of mental health all play an important role in how well a person with LADA will be able to manage their disease.


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