Stretch early, stretch often. Stretching, in addition to regular physical activity, may help the body control blood glucose and respond to insulin by improving circulation. Feel better throughout your day by starting off with these 8 simple stretches.
Start your day on the right side of the bed with these feel-good stretches. These eight simple moves can improve your foot, ankle, and hip mobility, decrease knee and lower-back pain, and build lower-leg strength. In addition to benefiting your legs, these stretches lengthen the muscles that help maintain a strong back. They’ll also get you breathing and can help reduce stress.
Ease into the moves by starting in bed when you wake up. Then get up and use a sturdy piece of furniture for support to complete the circuit.
Equipment needed: A sturdy piece of furniture such as a chair or dresser and, if desired, ankle weights.
Lie on your back; bend knees with feet hip-width apart and palms flat on the bed. Using your gluteal (buttock) muscles, slowly lift hips toward the ceiling.
Curl your spine one vertebra at a time until your shoulders are slightly off the bed. Then slowly lower your hips to the starting position. Exhale as you raise your body; inhale as you lower it.
Perform 5 to 8 times at a comfortable pace.
The benefit: This exercise stretches your back and strengthens your glutes.
Lower-Back Stretch with Ankle Rotations
Lie on your back with one knee bent and foot on the bed. Extend the other leg up, holding the back of the thigh or the shin to comfortably draw the leg closer to your chest.
Slowly rotate the raised ankle in one direction 8 times, then rotate in the opposite direction 8 times. Switch legs and repeat.
The benefit: This move stretches your lower back and wakes up your ankles and feet.
Hamstring Stretch
Lie on your back with one knee bent and foot on the bed. Extend the other leg toward the ceiling. Hold the extended leg with both hands behind the thigh, gently pulling it toward your torso and keeping the knee straight. Rest your head on the pillow; do not strain your neck.
Point and flex your ankle joint as you hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.
The benefit: This stretch increases the flexibility of your hamstrings and lower back.
Seated Knee Extensions
Sit tall in a chair with your feet hip-width apart, knees bent, and feet firmly on the floor. Rest your hands on the sides of the chair. Straighten your right leg, tightening the muscles above the kneecap. Pause briefly, then slowly lower your foot to starting position.
Do 10 repetitions. Switch legs and repeat.
The benefit: This exercise strengthens the legs.
Ankle Action
Sit tall in a chair with your feet hip-width apart, knees bent, and feet firmly on the floor. Rest your hands on the sides of the chair.
A. Lift one foot off the ground. Flex the lifted foot by bringing your toes toward your shin.
B. Point the foot by lowering your toes toward the floor, keeping your heel in the same position.
Do 10 repetitions. Switch feet and repeat.
The benefit: This stretch improves the mobility and stability of the ankle joints, which are important for balance and movement.
Tip: These two joint actions are critical to ankle health. Instead of making this a separate move, this ankle action stretch can be implemented throughout your exercise routine by pointing and flexing the foot of your working leg while holding the stretches.
Stand on one leg, with the leg and foot in line with your body, and hold the back of a chair for support. Lift and extend the other leg to the side of your body and make circles (about the size of a dinner plate) with the leg.
Your knees should stay slightly bent, and the movement should start from the hip. Keep the circles slow, controlled, and symmetrical.Draw 8 circles in one direction with your leg, then 8 in the opposite direction. Switch legs and repeat.The benefit: Your hips and gluteal muscles will appreciate this stretch.
Using a sturdy chair for support, stand on one leg and wrap the toe of the opposite leg behind your ankle. Rise on the ball of the working foot as high as you can go, then slowly and smoothly lower the heel back to the floor.
Perform 10 repetitions. Switch legs and repeat.
The benefit: This move uses your body weight to stretch and strengthen the calf muscles.
Standing Figure 4
Hold on to a sturdy chair for support. Cross one leg over the opposite thigh, as if you are sitting with one leg crossed over the other in a chair. Lower your body, pretending to sit. Feel the strength building in your supporting leg and the stretch in the outer hip of the other leg.
Hold for 10 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.
The benefit: This stretch opens up the hip and is a true feel-good move.
Stretching exercises help keep your joints flexible, prevent stiffness, and may help reduce your chance of injury during other activities. Gentle stretching for 5 to 10 minutes also helps your body warm up and get ready for aerobic activities such as walking or swimming, but some people find it easier to stretch after their activity ends (and that is fine, too).
Some activities that count as flexibility exercises include:
Basic (static) stretches
Dynamic stretching (such as high knees or back kicks)
It is important to make sure you are doing basic stretching exercises correctly. Stretching should feel mild and relaxing. It should never feel uncomfortable or painful.
Follow the pointers below when stretching or doing any flexibility exercises.
Relax as you stretch
Stretch only to the point that you feel mild tension
Stretching is an essential part of an exercise program for everyone — yet there are some benefits of stretching that specifically relate to diabetes. A study in the Journal of Physiotherapy concludes 20 minutes of stretching may lower blood sugar levels both in people with type 2 diabetes and those at risk of it. In the study, participants did 40 minutes of upper- and lower-body stretching after eating a meal. The results showed that glucose (blood sugar) levels were reduced by an average of 28 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) midway through the stretching session and 24 mg/dL after the full 40 minutes.
Though more research is needed to confirm these glucose-lowering benefits, stretching has other proven health benefits. “We know that diabetes itself can decrease range of motion and flexibility,” explains Guy Hornsby, Jr., PhD, director of the Human Performance Lab and associate professor of human physiology at West Virginia University in Morgantown. “People with type 2 diabetes may not have good flexibility, but simple stretching exercises can help overcome that.”
Stretching can also improve balance and prevent falls. Falls among older adults are a major cause of injury and disability. That makes injury prevention one of the biggest benefits of stretching, says Jane K. Dickinson, RN, PhD, CDE, a diabetes educator and coordinator of the masters of science in diabetes education and management program at the Teachers College of Columbia University in New York City. “If a person with type 2 diabetes falls and gets injured, they may have to stop exercising for a while, and that’s a scenario we don’t want,” Dickinson says.
Strength training is a key part of any fitness plan.
Don’t belong to a gym with weight machines? No problem! You can use hand-held weights, resistance bands, or even your own body weight to build muscle.
As you age, strength training (also called resistance training), can help you keep doing everyday activities such as walking, lifting things, and climbing stairs. Plus, it’s good for your bones.
Health Benefits Of Strength Training For Diabetics
For people with diabetes, strength training helps the body :
Respond better to insulin
Improve the way it uses blood sugar
Lose weight
Lower your risk for heart disease
Studies show that it’s as good as aerobic exercise at boosting how well your body uses insulin. (Also doing aerobic exercise may be even better.)
It is recommended that people with type1 &type 2 diabetes start a strength training program to help with blood sugar control.
If you’re not active now, check in with your doctor first. Ask if there are any moves you should avoid.
It’s a good idea to work with a certified fitness instructor or trainer, so you learn the right way to do each exercise.
Your strength training program should work your whole body two to three times a week. Set up your schedule so that you work different muscle groups on different days, or do a longer workout less often.
Don’t work the same muscle groups 2 days in a row. Give your muscles a chance to recover and get stronger!
When you get started, set yourself up for success with a moderate schedule. Do each move 10-15 times (one set) up to three times a week.
Once you get used to that, you can gradually do more, until you’re doing three sets of 10-15 repetitions up to three times a week.
Always warm up before you exercise. Brisk walking is a good way to do that. When you’re done strength training, do a series of stretches, holding each stretch for 30 to 60 seconds, to end your workout.
Lift Weights to Control Diabetes
When you do strength training exercises that target muscles, your body uses glucose from your bloodstream to power them, which can help clear out excess sugar from your system.Toned muscles also store glucose more effectively, and that helps regulate blood sugar even when you’re at rest.
Strength training also helps build stronger bones and it promotes weight loss — an important goal for many with type 2 diabetes — because the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn.
Keep in mind that strengthening exercises are just one part of a well-rounded fitness program. In addition to strength training twice a week, it is recommended that adults also get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as jogging or cycling, each week.
In fact, while both aerobics and strength training are helpful when you have diabetes, a long-term program of both produces the greatest health benefits,
Three Strength Training Exercises
Motivated to add strength training to your fitness routine, but not sure how? Here’s how to get started.
If you’ve never done strength training, start slow and resist overdoing it. Steady progression is key. For instance, with exercises involving handheld weights, choose a weight that you will be able to lift for one set of 8 to 10 reps . Work toward completing one set of 15 reps each and then move on to higher weights and/or two to three sets.
Always rest muscles at least one day between sessions. If you feel sore, ease up until you feel better.
You can strength-train with free weights, resistance bands, and exercises that use your own body weight as resistance. At the gym, try weight machines, which are often better for learning proper form. Work with a personal trainer to find the best exercises for you.
If you want to do strength training exercises at home that require little or no extra equipment, these simple moves can get you started:
Chair dips. Stand with your back to a sturdy chair or low table. Sit on the edge of the chair, with your arms behind you. Place your palms on the edge, fingers pointed toward you. Lift your buttocks off the chair and walk your feet forward, making sure your knees don’t bend past your toes. Slowly bend your elbows, lowering your body down, and then straighten. This works several upper-body muscles, including the triceps (rear upper arm), deltoids (part of the shoulder), and pectoral (chest) muscles.
Wall squats. Stand with your back against a wall, feet about a foot in front of you. Bend your knees as you lower your back along the wall until you are in a position similar to one you’d be in if sitting in a chair. Hold for several seconds, then return to standing. This works the quadriceps and hamstrings (front and back of the thighs).
Curls. Hold a lightweight dumbbell in each hand, arms at your sides with palms facing up. Holding elbows steady, curl up your forearms to bring the weights almost to your shoulders, then return to starting position. If you don’t have dumbbells, try this with two soup cans or water bottles. Curls work the biceps (muscles on the front of upper arms).
For each of these exercises, aim for one or two sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.
Managing Blood Sugar While Strength Training
Check with your doctor before starting a strength training program. As with any exercise, strength training can lower your blood sugar level, so you should check your blood sugar before and after exercising to see what kind of effect the activity has on your body.
If your blood sugar dips too low, you may want to have a snack before or during your routine. It may also be a good idea to talk to your doctor about changing your medications to allow for your increased physical activity.
Above all, be smart about your new exercise routine to keep it safe and enjoyable. The best thing to do is start slow.You can gradually increase the intensity and reach your goals.
How much exercise is right for you? For people with diabetes thirty minutes of aerobic exercise each day is recommended.
Exercise is so important for people with diabetes that it is recommended that diabetics miss no more than one day of aerobic exercise in a row.
I found that if I missed a day of walking in the countryside around my area I felt more tired and less relaxed as exercise is good for relieving stress!
Today I went for a walk on my usual route where I passed this bolted gateway which I always found interesting and I was eager to explore inside but today it was open for the first time!
I went in and found a lovely hay field where a young man was working!He was doing hard physical work and he looked strong and healthy!
See below a picture of this man and the golden hayfield!
I was wondering do any of you know a secluded place near you where you would like to explore further?
If you have could you please leave a comment below about it and a photo also if you like or email this information to me as it would be interesting!
Exercises for Diabetics
There are many exercises that will benefit people with diabetes. Here are some recommended:
Walking — Because anyone can do it almost anywhere, walking is the most popular exercise and one we highly recommend for people with diabetes. Thirty minutes to one hour of brisk walking, every day is a great, easy way to increase your physical activity.
Today also I came across thistles on my walk which I didnt notice before!
They reminded me of the country where I was born which is Scotland!See a picture of the thistles arent they a nice national emblem!They also reminded me of one of my favourite films which is Braveheart!
Thistles The National Emblem Of Scotland
Why dont we all leave a comment down below about our national emblem and a photo if you have one,also let me know what is your favourite film and why?
Dancing —Dancing is not only great for your body. The mental work to remember dance steps and sequences actually boosts brain power and improves memory. For those with diabetes, it is a fun and exciting way to increase physical activity, promote weight loss, improve flexibility, lower blood sugar and reduce stress.
Chair dancing, which incorporates the use of a chair to support people with limited physical abilities, makes dancing an option for many people. In just 30 minutes, a 150-pound adult can burn up to 150 calories.
Swimming — Swimming stretches and relaxes your muscles and doesn’t put pressure on your joints, which is great for people with diabetes. For those with diabetes or at risk for developing diabetes, studies show it improves cholesterol levels, burns calories and lowers stress levels.
To get the most benefit from swimming, its recommended that you swim at least five times a week for at least twenty minutes and gradually increase the length of the workout. Make sure to have a snack and monitor blood sugar levels. Lastly, let the lifeguard know that you have diabetes before you get in the pool!
Most people find physical activity improves their feelings of wellness and vitality. It also helps in managing stress.
Physical activity makes your body’s cells more sensitive to the action of insulin.
Your body remains more sensitive to insulin for up to 24 hours after physical activity. You may need to reduce your post physical activity insulin and / or eat more carbohydrates following physical activity.
The key to managing physical activity safely with diabetes, is to monitor your blood glucose frequently and use this information to adjust your food and physical activity accordingly.
Avoid injecting pre-physical activity insulin into any area of working muscle (it may get absorbed much more quickly than usual if you do).
There are risks to physical activity. You should have a thorough medical check and consult with your diabetes specialist team before starting a physical activity routine.
Keeping up a physical activity schedule if you have diabetes is a challenge for your diabetes management skills.
How can physical activity help me take care of my diabetes?
Physical activity and keeping a healthy weight can help you take care of your diabetes and prevent diabetes problems. Physical activity helps your blood glucose,also called blood sugar, stay in your target range.
Physical activity also helps the hormone insulin absorb glucose into all your body’s cells, including your muscles, for energy. Muscles use glucose better than fat does. Building and using muscle through physical activity can help prevent high blood glucose. If your body doesn’t make enough insulin, or if the insulin doesn’t work the way it should, the body’s cells don’t use glucose. Your blood glucose levels then get too high, causing diabetes.
Starting a physical activity program can help you lose weight or keep a healthy weight and keep your blood glucose levels on target. Even without reaching a healthy weight, just a 10 or 15 pound weight loss makes a difference in reducing the risk of diabetes problems.
What should I do before I start a physical activity program?
Before you start a physical activity program, you should
talk with your health care team
plan ahead
find an exercise buddy
decide how you’ll track your physical activity
decide how you’ll reward yourself
Talk with your health care team.
Your health care team may include a doctor, nurse, dietitian, diabetes educator, and others. Always talk with your health care team before you start a new physical activity program. Your health care team will tell you a target range for your blood glucose levels.
People with diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetes medicines are more likely to have low blood glucose, also called hypoglycaemia. If your blood glucose levels drop too low, you could pass out, have a seizure, or go into a coma. Physical activity can make hypoglycemia more likely or worse in people who take insulin or certain diabetes medicines, so planning ahead is key. It’s important to stay active. Ask your health care team how to stay active safely.
Physical activity works together with healthy eating and diabetes medicines to prevent diabetes problems. Studies show that people with type 2 diabetes who lose weight with physical activity and make healthy changes to their eating plan are less likely to need diabetes and heart medicines. Ask your health care team about your healthy eating plan and all your medicines. Ask if you need to change the amount of medicine you take or the food you eat before any physical activity.
Talk with your health care team about what types of physical activity are safe for you, such as walking, weightlifting, or housework. Certain activities may be unsafe for people who have low vision or have nerve damage to their feet.
My father Jed had diabetic neuropathy which is extremely painful!
He was a strong minded man who rarely complained even though he was in agony sometimes!
He was the type of man who tried to hide his illness from my mother Mary and us three children!
He never liked going to the doctor and refused to go even though he was feeling very ill before he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes!
It is very important to make an appointment straight away to see your doctor if you are feeling unwell especially if you have a chronic illness like diabetes as it can often lead to serious complications like diabetic neuropathy if you dont get an early diagnosis!
Plan ahead.
Decide in advance what type of physical activity you’ll do. Before you start, also choose:
the days and times you’ll be physically active
the length of each physical activity session
your plan for warming up, stretching, and cooling down for each physical activity session
a backup plan, such as where you’ll walk if the weather is bad
how you will measure your progress
To make sure you stay active, find activities you like to do. If you keep finding excuses not to be physically active, think about why.
Many people find they are more likely to be physically active if someone joins them. Ask a friend or family member to be your exercise buddy.
When you do physical activities with a buddy you may find that you:
enjoy the company
stick to the physical activity plan
are more eager to do physical activities
Being active with your family may help everyone stay at a healthy weight. Keeping a healthy weight may prevent them from developing diabetes or prediabetes. Prediabetes is when the amount of glucose in your blood is above normal yet not high enough to be called diabetes.
Decide how you’ll track your physical activity.
Write down your blood glucose levels and when and how long you are physically active in a record book. You’ll be able to track your progress and see how physical activity affects your blood glucose.
Decide how you’ll reward yourself.
Reward yourself with a nonfood item or activity when you reach your goals. For example, treat yourself to a movie or a book or buy a new plant for the garden.
What kinds of Physical Activity Can Help Diabetics?
Many kinds of physical activity can help you take care of your diabetes. Even small amounts of physical activity can help. You can measure your physical activity level by how much effort you use.
Doctors suggest that you aim for 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity most days of the week. Children and adolescents with type 2 diabetes who are 10 to 17 years old should aim for 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity every day.
Your health care team can tell you more about what kind of physical activity is best for you. They can also tell you when and how much you can increase your physical activity level.
Vigorous, or intense, activity feels hard. Your physical activity level is vigorous if you:
are breathing deeply and quickly
are sweating after a few minutes of activity
can’t talk normally without stopping for a breath
Not all physical activity has to take place at the same time. You might take a walk for 20 minutes, lift hand weights for 10 minutes, and walk up and down the stairs for 5 minutes.
Breaking the physical activity into different groups can help. You can:
Strength training is one of the best things you can do for your body. It’s a key part of any fitness plan.
Don’t belong to a gym with weight machines? No problem! You can use hand-held weights, resistance bands, or even your own body weight to build muscle.
It’s never too late to start. As you age, strength training (also called resistance training), can help you keep doing everyday activities such as walking, lifting things, and climbing stairs. Plus, it’s good for your bones.
Stretch early, stretch often. Stretching, in addition to regular physical activity, may help the body control blood glucose and respond to insulin by improving circulation. Feel better throughout your day by starting off with these 8 simple stretches.
Building balance helps you stay steady on your feet and can reduce your risk for falling and injuring yourself. Balance exercises are especially important for older adults to incorporate into their exercise routine. Examples of balance exercises include:
Walking backwards or sideways
Walking heel to toe in a straight line
Standing on one leg at a time
Standing from a sitting position
Both lower body and core muscle strength training also help improve balance.
Exercise, or physical activity, includes anything that gets you moving, such as walking, dancing, or working in the yard. Regular physical activity is important for everyone, but it is especially important for people with diabetes and those at risk for diabetes.That doesn’t mean you need to run a marathon or bench-press 300 pounds. The goal is to get active and stay active by doing things you enjoy, from gardening to playing tennis to walking with friends.
Be More Active Throughout the Day
In addition to formal aerobic exercise and strength training, there are many chances to be active throughout the day.
Remember – the more you move, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to keep your blood glucose levels in on target!
More and more research is finding that sitting too much for long periods of time is harmful to our health.
Just getting up once an hour to stretch or walk around the office is better than sitting for hours on end in a chair. Take every opportunity you can to get up and move.
Here are just a few ways you can do it:
At Work
Take the stairs instead of the elevator at the office and in the parking garage
Get up once an hour while you are at work and take a quick walk around your office
Stand up and stretch at your desk
If you go out for lunch, walk to the restaurant
If you take public transportation to work, get off a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way to your office
Use a speaker or mobile phone so you can pace around your office during conference calls
Try some chair exercises during the day while at your desk
Fidget (when appropriate) – tap or wiggle your foot while working at your desk
At Home
Take the dog for a walk around the block
Do your own yard work such as mowing the lawn or raking leaves
Do your own housework such as vacuuming, dusting, or washing dishes
Play with the kids – play catch or throw the Frisbee around
Walk in place during the commercials of your favorite television show
Carry things upstairs or from the car in two trips instead of one
Walk around the house or up and down stairs while you talk on the phone
While You’re Out and About
Park at the far end of the shopping center lot and walk to the store
Walk down every aisle of the grocery store
If you are at the airport and waiting for a flight, walk up and down through the terminal
When on a road trip, stop every few hours to stretch and walk around
Or send an email to
All feedback is welcome.
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